
The Facebook Marketplace reaches one billion users

The Facebook Marketplace reaches one billion users

Facebook Marketplace , the section of the social network used for the purchase and sale of a large variety of items, has reached one billion users . To reveal this important data is Mark Zuckerberg himself in the update on the financial results obtained.

Last year, the Shops function was launched, which allowed merchants to be able to advertise and then sell their products online. This novelty has obviously contributed to the growth of the marketplace, so much so that more than a million businesses have decided to take advantage of this new tool, receiving more than 250 million users every month.

But the efforts in this direction by the social network will not stop there, indeed Zuckerberg himself declared:

“We are investing to create the future of commerce. We have a lot of work to do to create a complete platform that covers all our services. This modern trading system will cover several areas in which we are already present with an offer, such as advertising, community tools, messaging and payments “.

In the future, features aimed at the business versions of WhatsApp and Instagram will be launched, the first which will allow entrepreneurs to buy Facebook ads that open directly in the messaging app, while the second plans to allow influencers to manage their stores on the app.

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