
Lina Khan, known for her critical stances against big tech companies, has been named head of the US Federal Trade Commission

Lina Khan, known for her critical stances against big tech companies, has been named head of the US Federal Trade Commission

US President Joe Biden has appointed Lina Khan to head the Federal Trade Commission, the government agency that deals with consumer protection and privacy. Khan is 32 years old and teaches at Columbia University's faculty of law: she is known for her very critical positions towards the monopoly exercised by large technology companies, a topic to which in 2017, when she was still a student at the university, she dedicated an essay called Amazon's Antitrust Paradox, which was very successful and also circulated outside academia.

According to the Financial Times, the decision to put Khan at the head of the committee that must judge the companies' possible anticompetitive practices would be a signal of the Biden administration's intention to take a more aggressive stance towards large US technology companies.

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