
How to clean a computer, inside and out

How to clean a computer, inside and out

One of the things that many have learned working from home is that keeping the work environment in order also helps to maintain a certain mental order. The main “work environment” for many is a computer, and that too should be cleaned periodically. Not only from the dust and dirt due to use (or the fact that we have breakfast on it, or that every now and then a cat walks on it), but also from the files that accumulate in the internal memory over the years. Whitson Gordon, an American journalist dealing with technology and how to make it last, has written a few articles on how to do both.

Clean a computer from dirt
The main thing to get before starting with cleaning is a microfiber cloth, because it is soft, delicate and has an electrostatic charge which attracts dust. Any eyeglass cloth that many have around the house is fine, but those who don't have one can buy these from Eco-Fused that we tried and that are big enough for a laptop. In addition to the cloth, a compressed air spray, a cotton swab and isopropyl alcohol can also be useful. The fundamental thing to know is that, regardless of the dirty state of the computer, you should never, ever spray or pour liquid substances on it. Before starting, it is always best to turn off the computer and disconnect it from the power supply or other cables.

How to use the compressed air spray
If you see hair, crumbs or lumps of dirt accumulated in the cracks, between the keys or in the entrance ports of the various cables , the advice is to start with the compressed air spray. The ideal is to let the air out in small jets, because letting out a lot of it all together risks condensing and dampening the computer. For the same reason, the first spray should also be done away from the computer. Apple suggests using compressed air spray even if a key is stuck or not working – the best way to do this is to hold the computer so that the keyboard is at an angle and then spray the air in different directions by turning the computer. first on one side and then on the other.

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If you have a computer with rattling fans, you can try to clean them by flipping it closed (if it's a laptop) and opening the bottom panel using a screwdriver. Computer screws are not all the same, so if you remove them, keep in mind where they were and where they will go back. To remove the dust (or pet hair) accumulated in this part of the computer, you can use quick bursts of compressed air: if you do this on the fans, it is better to hold them still with your hands to prevent them from starting to spin too quickly. If you are unsure about opening the bottom panel, consider taking the computer to a shop for cleaning.

How to clean with a cloth and alcohol
After removing dust and dirt from the internal parts and the most hidden crevices, you can wipe with the dry, lint-free microfibre cloth all over the computer, especially on the screen and keyboard. This way the bulk of the dust (even the one raised by the spray) should come off. In case there are stains or greasy fingerprints, you can slightly moisten the cloth with water. According to Gordon, there is no need to buy the specific products that technology stores sell: not because they don't work, but because for the cost they have, according to him, it is not worth it.

If there are stains or encrustations that do not go away with the damp cloth, do not use detergents, solvents or bleach, but try rubbing the dirt with isopropyl alcohol, moistening a cotton swab or the usual cloth. Before doing this, it would be ideal to consult the website of your computer manufacturer to be sure that the materials it is made of are not spoiled with alcohol. Apple, Acer, Dell and Lenovo, for example, say they use 70 percent isopropyl alcohol (always on a cloth, never directly on the computer) to clean screens, keyboards and other computer parts made of hard, non-porous materials. (for example the palm rests of some computers are porous), but always taking care not to let moisture into the cracks.

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How to get rid of the bad smell
Some computers still smell bad even after cleaning. In that case you can use charcoal: for example, Gordon recommends using sand from cat litter boxes which also contains charcoal to absorb odors. If you leave the computer in a sealed bag with a little sand for at least 24 hours, this should solve the problem.

Free up the computer's memory
Gordon's first advice to tidy up the computer, when the warning appears indicating that the memory is almost full , is to start with big things. It is useless to delete many small files that are not very heavy if for years we have kept videos, video games and programs on the computer that take up a lot of space and that we do not even remember we have. Also because, he says, the more things are canceled, the more you risk losing something important. Those who use a computer running Windows 10 can go to “Settings”, “System” and “Storage” to see the heaviest files in each category and delete them. Who has Apple can click on the apple in the upper left, go to “About this computer”, click on “Storage” and then on “Manage”. With the right button you can throw everything you no longer use into the “Trash”, remembering to empty it.

For those who have already gotten to this point, but still have a very full memory and would like to do a more in-depth investigation, Gordon suggests two programs that can be downloaded for free and that identify the things that take up the most memory on the computer, going to fish them. in unsuspected places (at least for those who are not very familiar with computers): one is WinDirStat, the other is Disk Inventory X.

What about temporary files?
If you often hear about temporary files and have decided you want to get rid of them too, Gordon says you can, but it's not a definitive solution. In fact, temporary files are files that programs create as backups, that is, to have copies of what we do in reserve in case for some reason we happen to lose it. Even eliminating them then they will reform very quickly simply by using those programs.

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To delete these files with Windows 10 just go to “Start” and then to “Disk Cleanup”. In some cases you may also have detailed options to manage them: for example, delete only those that have not been used for at least a year, or move little-used files to OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud storage service. On a Mac there is no way to do the same, but you can download CCleaner for free, a program to find and remove temporary files and other files that you don't use.

How to increase computer memory
If you have files that you no longer need but prefer to keep for safety, Gordon recommends using an archiving service in the cloud such as OneDrive or Dropbox (but Google Drive or iCloud are fine too) or an external hard drive, that is, a device that works like a large key where you can store files and fetch them if necessary. The memory of cloud storage services can almost always be increased by paying a monthly or annual installment.

A very practical solution to expand your computer memory is to use an SD card or USB flash drive, both of which can be bought online and are so small and discreet that they fit into your computer without bothering you. In general, Gordon's advice is to also carefully evaluate the internal memory when you find yourself having to buy a new computer: the expense will be higher but could lead to savings in the long term.

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