
Google will shut down Loon, the project to bring the Internet to the most remote places on earth with balloons

Google will shut down Loon, the project to bring the Internet to the most remote places on earth with balloons

Alphabet, the company that controls Google, has announced that it will shut down Loon, a project that aimed to bring the Internet with balloons to the most remote places on earth. The reason is that making the project profitable seems to take longer and riskier than expected.

The Loon project was launched in 2013, then became an independent Alphabet company in 2018 and last July inaugurated its first commercial Internet connection in Kenya, consisting of a fleet of 35 balloons covering an area of ​​approximately 50 thousand square kilometers.

– Read also: The balls for the Internet from Google

Since the service in Kenya will therefore be closed, to support those affected by this closure Loon will pledge to donate $ 10 million to businesses and non-profit organizations working to improve connectivity, the Internet, entrepreneurship and instruction.

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