
Cell phones that cannot download Immuni

Cell phones that cannot download Immuni

The Immuni app, chosen by the Italian government for contact tracking to limit coronavirus infection, is available from Monday. Immuni can be used on both iPhone and Android phones, but under certain conditions: the phones must have Bluetooth Low Energy technology and the latest operating system update.

This means that Immuni is not available for iPhone 6 (the model presented in 2014) and for all previous models. On the iPhone SE and 6s (and all subsequent models) it is available instead.

On the questions and answers published by Bending Spoons, the Milanese company that developed the app, we read that the requirements that Android phones must have for a correct use of Immuni are three: the latest versions of the operating system and the Google app store (respectively version 6 and version 20.18.13), and the presence of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, a variant of Bluetooth technology, similar to the one we use when we connect the wireless headphones to smartphone.

Finally, on some latest generation Huawei and Honor devices, in which the Google app store is no longer present, it is not possible to download Immuni yet: Bending Spoons says they are working to make the app available on the App Gallery as well. Huawei's app store. The smartphones in question are all those of the P40 series, the Mate 30 and the Mate XS.

– Read also: Immune, well explained

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