
No new emojis will come out in 2021 due to the aftermath of the pandemic

No new emojis will come out in 2021 due to the aftermath of the pandemic

No new emojis will come out in 2021 due to the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. The Unicode Consortium, the consortium that among other things defines the standards for the writing of computer texts, has announced that it will postpone the presentation of new emojis for six months and that the update scheduled for 2021 has been postponed. to 2022. The 117 emojis announced for the end of the year will arrive as planned, however, over the next few months.

Mark Davis, the president of the Unicode Consortium, said: «In the current circumstances we understood that our collaborators have a lot of work, for the moment, and we decided that it was in the best interest of the volunteers and organizations that depend on our standard to postpone. the release date. This year we cannot simply commit to the same program we have joined in the past “.

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