
Huawei will produce $ 30 billion less in revenue over the next two years, its founder says

Huawei will produce $ 30 billion less in revenue over the next two years, its founder says

Huawei founder and president Ren Zhengfei said his company will generate $ 30 billion less in revenue over the next two years than previously predicted. Ren compared Huawei to a “seriously damaged airplane,” adding that he hadn't imagined that the US government could be so determined to hinder Huawei's activities.

The Chinese company, the second largest smartphone maker in the world, has been accused by the US government of spying on behalf of the Chinese government for months. This circumstance has never been proven, but despite this the US has imposed severe restrictions on Huawei, effectively preventing it from continuing its business with US companies, including Google which provides its Android operating system. Huawei will be able to continue using the Google-provided version of Android until next July, but it is unclear what will happen next and the company is organizing to equip its smartphones with an alternative operating system.

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