
There is a new security flaw affecting Intel processors manufactured since 2011

There is a new security flaw affecting Intel processors manufactured since 2011

A new security flaw has been discovered in most Intel microprocessors produced since 2011. By exploiting it, malicious users could carry out an attack (“ZombieLoad”) to steal the last data accessed by the processor. The problem was discovered by some cybersecurity experts from the Technical University of Graz (Austria) and was communicated to Intel, which in turn has disseminated a solution to the problem to the manufacturers. The problem is with the hardware, that is the way the processors are physically made, but it can be circumvented through the software, although this could lead in some cases to a slight slowdown of the processors. Apple, Microsoft and Google are rolling out updates to fix the security flaw in their operating systems. The story is reminiscent of the more serious one of Specter and Meltdown, two security holes discovered last year and which always affected Intel processors produced in the last 20 years.

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