
The Antitrust has fined Sony for 2 million euros, due to unclear information on the packaging of the PlayStation 4

The Antitrust has fined Sony for 2 million euros, due to unclear information on the packaging of the PlayStation 4

The AGCM (the Competition and Market Authority, also known as Antitrust) has fined Sony for two million euros because there is not clear enough information on the packaging of the PlayStation 4 consoles. According to the AGCM, the information would also be unclear on Sony's website, because in both cases there is a lack of information explaining that it will be necessary to pay more money to be able to play online with other players, by accessing another service offered by Sony. The AGCM wrote that by acting in this way Sony has carried out a conduct “likely to mislead consumers”. He also noted that shortcomings in informing customers about post-purchase costs for a PlayStation 4 have existed since November 2013.

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