
The new iOS 12 and macOS Mojave

The new iOS 12 and macOS Mojave

The new operating systems iOS 12 and macOS Mojave were presented on Monday by Apple in San Jose (California), during the expected kick-off event of the Worldwide Developers Conference 2018 (WWDC), the conference series organized every year by Apple to present its latest news and update developers, those who produce programs and applications. This year's presentation did not contain any big surprises and no “wow” effect, as happened in the past with the announcement of completely new products or surprising features. The same CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, immediately clarified things at the beginning of the event, saying from the stage that there would be talk of “software and that's it”, contrary to what has been hypothesized by several technology sites in recent days with hypotheses (some creative) on the announcement of new computers and other devices. For those it will be necessary to wait until next September, a period which has now entered the tradition for announcements related to new models of iPhone, iPad and often Macs. However, there is no lack of news.

iOS 12
Apple has worked hard to improve and optimize the performance of iOS, the operating system for iPhones and iPads. The version presented last year did not shine for stability and reliability, at least in the first months of existence and up to some substantial updates, so Apple for iOS 12 has decided to dedicate itself to refine the operating system as much as possible, leaving aside more revolutionary approaches and changes to graphics. Craig Federighi, vice president of Apple's software division and revered by most developers, has promised that iOS 12 will be compatible with older models of iPhones and iPads, going back to 2013. Unlike iOS 11, the new version will work. better and will be faster even on older models, which with the current edition often struggle and force long waiting times before being able to use an app.

All the news of iOS 12, told with images

The most relevant innovations concern a series of apps and controls to reduce one's dependence on smartphones, a subject much explored in recent years by sociologists, psychologists and other researchers. The options allow you to reduce the number of notifications, exclude them during the night, and above all set time limits for the use of apps during the day. Other new features include a revised and enhanced version of augmented reality systems and shortcuts to add new voice commands to Siri, which struggles to compete with other voice systems.

Apple Watch continues to be the most successful smartwatch on the market, although sales volumes continue to be low and this product category no longer attracts so much the interest of consumers. Apple has been working to introduce some updates to watchOS, the operating system that makes Apple Watches work. New features include systems to automatically detect the start of a physical activity session, Siri shortcuts and the ability to use your watch as a walkie-talkie.

macOS Mojave
The new version of macOS, the operating system for Macs, will be called Mojave, confirming Apple's marketing choice launched a few years ago to call its operating systems with the names of some of California's most important natural areas. The most evident novelty of macOS Mojave is “Dark Mode”, a display that makes the interface completely dark with white writing, useful for making the contents stand out better and be less aggressive for the eyes.

All the news of macOS Mojave, told with images

Apple has been working to refine and improve long-available features, such as file previews and creating screenshots. Some apps typically available on iOS, such as Stocks and News, will also arrive on macOS Mojave. Other new features include improved privacy management options and a completely redesigned App Store.

A first trial version of iOS 12, macOS Mojave and watchOS has been made available to developers, who will have to use the new operating systems to ensure that their apps work normally and add new integrations. In the coming months, the beta editions will continue to be updated, until September when the final versions should be released. As always, the update to the new operating systems will be free for all owners of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac.

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