
Notifications for Instagram Stories Screenshots are Coming

Notifications for Instagram Stories Screenshots are Coming

Instagram, the popular photo and video sharing app, has added a new feature that will allow Story makers to be notified whenever someone takes a screenshot of it (i.e. a screenshot). With this new feature, which Instagram will make available to all users in the next few hours, the first time you take a screenshot of a Story you will receive a message saying “the next time you take a screenshot, the person who posted the story will be able to see him”.

This new function, which arrives a few days after another that allows the people you follow to see when the last time you used the app, remembers in operation the one that already exists for Direct, the section of the social network for exchange direct messages, in which if someone takes a screenshot, Instagram sends a notification to the author of the message.

Read also:
– How to use Instagram Stories, for good

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