
More than 200 million fine to Apple and Amazon for hindering competition

More than 200 million fine to Apple and Amazon for hindering competition

The Antitrust fined technology giants Apple and Amazon for over 200 million : according to the Italian body, the two companies would have worked voluntarily to hinder competition , by prohibiting third party sellers from promoting Apple products on Jeff Bezos' store.

The two companies would in fact have entered into a contract at the end of 2018 for which the sale of Apple or Beats products by third-party sellers on Amazon was prohibited. it , thus allowing the sale exclusively to the Cupertino house and a few other authorized dealers. In particular, the fine amounts to 68.7 million euros for Amazon and 134.5 million euros for Apple , as well as the obligation to terminate any restrictions on competing sellers.

Amazon stated in this regard: “We deeply disagree with the decision of the Italian Competition Authority and we intend to appeal. The penalty imposed is disproportionate and unjustified. We reject the Antitrust considerations that Amazon benefits from the exclusion of sales partners from the store, since our business model is based on their success “.

Via: CorCom
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