
Get ready to see more videos on Instagram in 2022

Get ready to see more videos on Instagram in 2022

Instagram is closing a 2021 in which it has regularly remained in the center of the scene. The social network belonging to Meta (Facebook) has incorporated several new features throughout this year, but it has also been controversial due to its negative impact on the mental health of users. However, for 2022 the platform has important plans that it announced through Adam Mosseri, its director. And one of the top priorities of Instagram will be to promote videos and strengthen the Reels section .

In a message shared through his Twitter account, Mosseri did not give specific details about the changes that Instagram will apply, but he did lay the groundwork for what will be seen in 2022. “We will double our focus on video; we are no longer just one app to share photos, and we will consolidate all our video formats around Reels and we will continue to grow that product “, he explained.

One thing is clear, then: get ready to see many more videos on your Instagram feed , either through Reels or any new tool that the platform has. Clearly, what the social network proposes is not illogical, especially if we see the sustained popularity of TikTok, an application from which several other – Instagram among them – have been “inspired” to incorporate new functions.

But Instagram giving more space to Reels and video formats also means offering better tools to content creators. According to Mosseri, the social network will include new ways to monetize posts , so that instagrammers can earn a living with what they produce on the platform. This is not particularly innovative, but it is a way to maintain interest among users with a large following; Today practically all companies in the field offer financial incentives to those who achieve greater influence over the public.

In addition to Reels, Instagram will be promoted as a messaging app

According to Mosseri, instant messaging apps are the main way of interaction between online users. And the idea that Instagram has is to promote itself as the best alternative for communication between the public . The platform promises not only to add more controls for the messages section, but also to focus its efforts on making it more transparent. “We believe that it is important that people understand how Instagram works, if they are going to mold it in the way that seems best to them,” he said.

Let's not forget that Instagram and Facebook Messenger have merged, and that the original idea also involved WhatsApp. This year the platform has incorporated several functions to combat harassment and hate speech in messages; and it has also enhanced the options available for group chat.

Instagram promises great news for 2022 , and hopefully it rises to the occasion. One of the first changes that we should see next year, beyond what Mosseri indicated, would be the return of the chronological feed. From then on, we'll discuss what happens to the rest of the features to be announced.

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