
This smart collar can measure your dog's heart rate as if it were an Apple Watch

This smart collar can measure your dog's heart rate as if it were an Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is one of the best tools that humans have to be able to track our heart rate or measure our blood oxygen level. These are measurements that can be very useful in pets, especially those that have breathing difficulties. However, and for obvious reasons, an Apple Watch is not the best idea to measure the pulse or count the steps of a dog. But the new smart collar announced by Invoxia, a company specializing in tracking devices, does seem to be the ideal option.

The company announced at CES 2022 in Las Vegas a biometric collar for dogs that can measure heart and respiratory rates . Analysis you can do anywhere and at any time of the day. To do this, it uses a system made up of “miniaturized radar sensors” that measure the speed and movement of the skin under the neck. With this data, an algorithm can deduce both the pulse and the respiratory rate, regardless of the thickness of the coat. The precision of the sensors also allow the smart dog collar to be loose around the pet's neck. The collar also has a removable cover for cleaning if necessary.

The smart collar for dogs, on the other hand, allows you to “control activity levels”. Among them, the number of steps, barking or even measuring sleep. These data are automatically recorded through an application, which includes an option to send health data to the vet , just as we can do with the Apple Watch.

The smart collar for dogs also works as a locator

The app also allows you to track the pet, since the smart collar for dogs includes a GPS locator . Also a “proximity radar” that emits an alert when the pet is close, a function very similar to that of Apple's AirTags. All this, with a battery lasting “several weeks”.

The smart collar for dogs is thinking for the individual public, and especially, for pets that have some type of heart or respiratory disease. The device will be available from 2022 and will cost about $ 99 , with the possibility of contracting a monthly GPS location plan for $ 12.99 per month, according to The Verge. Unfortunately, it can only be purchased in one size for medium or large dogs , as the sensors and components included are too large to fit in a smaller collar.

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