
TikTok is more than videos: this is how it has become a huge music platform

TikTok is more than videos: this is how it has become a huge music platform

TikTok , the most popular video app of the moment, is also becoming one of the largest music platforms in the world. The company has published its annual musical report with important data about the number of reproductions of songs and how the app has helped to promote both new artists, as well as the biggest stars of the music scene.

According to the company, some 430 songs have reached more than one billion views within TikTok. Some of these tracks even reach 20 billion video views. This is because many users include them as sounds for their TikToks or are used in viral videos that circulate through the app and that are not necessarily from the artist. The songs that sound on TikTok not only grow within the platform, their success is also reflected outside the application.

Specifically, 175 tracks that began to go viral on TikTok have positioned themselves on the Billboard Hot 100 . The app also allows users to know the title of the song easily. Even if it is a simple fragment to or is mixed with another track by another artist. TikTok's algorithms can detect which music contains that audio and offers users direct access to an external streaming platform, such as Apple Music or Spotify, so they can listen to the full version.

A clear example of a song that started its success thanks to TikTok and has managed to reach the top of the international charts is “Astronaut in the Ocean”, by rapper Masked Wolf. The track, crowned TikTok's most popular of the year worldwide , debuted at No. 6 on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as No. 1 on the charts. ' Hot Rap Songs'.

More and more artists are joining TikTok

TikTok highlights that the platform is also the “premier source of music discovery for fans of all genres.” The app, in particular, has helped users meet new artists . Also to promote the career of little singers. Proof of this is the enormous success of celebrities such as Lil Nas X, Lizzo, Megan Thee Stallion, Doja Cat or Olivia Rodrigo. These have also served as an example for other celebrities to join the platform.

“TikTok opens the door to new artists, new sounds, underground scenes and DIY. As well as classic hits, connecting them with a global audience and passionate music community like never before”

Assures Ole Obermann, global head of music on TikTok. And not only the smallest artists or those who are starting in the world of music. Singers with a successful career, such as Jason Derulo, Billie Eilish or Taylor Swift, took advantage of the TikTok boom and its great musical impulse to be part of the platform and get closer to their followers. Swift, in fact, has been one of the fastest growing artists within the app .

The American singer even released her re-recorded version of 'Wildest Dreams' because the original song – and to which she does not own the rights – was being used for a viral trend on the application. TikTok users were also responsible for the version of 'All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version)', debuting at number 1 on Billboard Hot 100. The artist thanked the entry, of course, with a video published on the social network.

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