
The boom of Hailee Steinfeld, the actress who can conquer the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The boom of Hailee Steinfeld, the actress who can conquer the Marvel Cinematic Universe

When Hailee Steinfeld was 14 years old, she was nominated for an Oscar for her work on True Grit (Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, 2010). That performance, while she was 13 years old, earned her a shower of positive reviews, such as being among the 10 best performances of the year according to Time magazine . Locals and strangers were surprised by the young woman, whom perhaps few had seen in some short films or television projects. Eleven years after the premiere of that film, perhaps Hailee Steinfeld reached one of her possible dreams: to head up projects and be a figure in the film industry.

Currently, Hailee Steinfeld stars in Hawkeye alongside Jeremy Renner. Almost hand in hand with the premiere of this series, Arcane, the series inspired by the League of Legends game, was also launched. In it, Steinfeld voices one of the protagonists, Vi. On the other hand, she will repeat as the voice of Gwen Stacy within Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. They are about several of the most ambitious projects of 2021, if not the most prominent in their fields, and she is a key part of those stories. While acting careers depend more on longevity than versatility of the performer, the industry may be watching Hailee Steinfeld take a key step for the rest of her acting career.

There will be a second season of Arcane. Kate Bishop will go beyond Hawkeye, replacing Clint Barton within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Gwen Stacy will continue to accompany Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. They are key roles, with commercial and cinematic resonance, especially when you think of the Oscar-winning animated film about Spider-Man. The feeling is clear: Hailee Steinfeld's future looks exciting.

Hailee Steinfeld:
a career full of projects

So far, Hailee Steinfeld has participated in more than 25 projects, including cinematographic works and others for television. Within both groups, in addition to those mentioned, his role in Dickinson (Apple TV +) and in Bumblebee stands out, as the axis of the plots that each production develops. The abundance in terms of job options and her youth, at only 24 years old, are part of the reasons why it is estimated that the actress may be one of the key faces of the film industry for years to come.

Although that volume of work could give rise to some confidence or certainty in relation to her profession, the actress does not lose her nerve. At least he didn't until 2020, when he stated in In the Envelope: The Actor's Podcast the following:

“Every time I walk on set during the first day, I feel like I don't know anything. (… ) Those nerves from the first day come into play completely and I feel like it's something I've never done before. I hope that feeling never goes away. I do not think it does. I believe that you are constantly entering new territory with new people in new environments. Although everything is “roll, action, cut”, what is in the middle will always be different ”.

Perhaps because of that illusion, in the aforementioned program she added: “I don't know if I will ever get bored, I won't feel challenged or I won't feel scared.”

Hailee Steinfeld
and the Marvel Cinematic Universe

In her role as Kate Bishop, Hailee Steinfeld will replace Jeremy Renner within the lineup of superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although she does not have superhuman powers, and neither does Clint Barton, both characters are linked by their sensitivity. Bishop sees Barton as a role model because he unknowingly saved his life; For his part, Barton has been discovering in her a defender with multiple skills and values. Hawkeye is not only building the relationship between them but is also paving their way to Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, projected for 2023.

On the other hand, she is most likely one of the Young Avengers. It is a group with a lesser degree of responsibility than The Avengers but, yes, also made up of beings with special abilities. In addition to this detail, there is another that is perhaps more important: those who make up that group have some relationship with an Avenger. This is the case of Kate Bishop, as seen through Hawkeye . Most likely, later Marvel and Disney movies and series will incorporate other characters who will also become part of that group.

Beyond the cameras

When it comes to diversifying careers, Hailee Steinfeld has done it. Besides acting, she also spends time modeling and singing, not only as a performer but also as the author of her songs. During her time at WIRED, the artist referred to this last section:

“Music is a big part of me. I love using it as a method of self-expression that I can't do through acting . I am my music and it is becoming more and more real. I'm very excited for people to hear how much of me is in these new songs. ”

At the moment, the artist's musical work is summarized in EP's and several singles. The first song he released was titled “Love Myself.” In WIRED he also referred to his older brother, whom he defined as who could be “the best older brother on the planet.” It's about Griffin Steinfeld, who is a professional racing driver. About him, Hailee Steinfeld said: “He has been the best role model in life.” Griffin was one of the main influences on her to start her acting path. In relation to her family, as a curious fact is that through her mother she has Afro, English, Filipino, German, Irish, Northern Irish and Scottish ancestry.

In addition to her career on stage, Hailee Steinfeld has spearheaded campaigns for various advertising brands. In its own way, it is becoming what could be, in a few years, a symbol of the film industry. Maybe, then, they no longer have a container of rudeness like the one they had during the filming of True Grit. I filled it with 5 dollars from the person who said something rude.

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