
How to share TikTok videos on Instagram

How to share TikTok videos on Instagram

The most fashionable social networks to upload short videos are TikTok and Instagram. So it is common to find videos from both social networks on the rival network. The question is, can I share Instagram videos on TikTok or post TikTok videos on Instagram? If you are a user of both social networks and you are interested in publishing on both and sharing videos in the most comfortable and fast way possible, we will tell you how.

And it is that for your videos to have the largest possible audience , it should be visible on the more social networks the better. Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram… Also, if you can upload and share videos in one go, you will save time and effort. Time you can spend recording and editing more TikTok and Instagram videos.

Link TikTok with Instagram or YouTube

One way to streamline the task of sharing videos on multiple social networks in one go is to link your accounts with each other. In this sense, TikTok makes it very easy for us, since it allows you to connect your TikTok account with that of other similar services such as Instagram or YouTube. As simple as it sounds.

If you want to connect or link TikTok with Instagram, you must go to your Profile , within the TikTok app. You will find it in the lower right corner. Then click on Edit profile and, finally, click on Add Instagram to your profile . You will also find the equivalent for YouTube.

An Instagram or YouTube screen will open, depending on the chosen social network, for you to log in with your username and password. Then you must confirm that you want to link both accounts. The process is safe and you can choose whether or not to save your login details, so you don't have to constantly enter them.

To unlink TikTok and Instagram or YouTube you must do the reverse process from Profile> Edit profile> Instagram or the linked social network. The process is immediate and you can repeat it again whenever you want.

Post videos on TikTok and Instagram at the same time

Once the TikTok and Instagram accounts are linked, when you go to publish a video on TikTok, you will have the possibility to do the same on the other linked social networks. Specifically, at the time of publishing, you can decide whether to save a copy of the video on your device, among other things.

And at the bottom, you will see the icons of the linked social networks. Activating them will show color. And as its informative caption says, “After posting the video, open Instagram to share it.” So you can share videos on TikTok and Instagram automatically from a single application instead of opening both manually.

Share videos of others on Instagram

We have seen how to post the same video on TikTok and Instagram. But, sometimes, you come across interesting videos on TikTok that you would like to share on this same network or on other social networks such as Instagram or Facebook. In that case, you must go to the Share menu of the official TikTok app itself.

Within TikTok, we go to the video that we are interested in sharing. Click on the icon Share and then choose the relevant options. The first line corresponds to the compatible applications to which to send these videos: WhatsApp, Instagram, WhatsApp Status, Instagram Stories, copy the link to share it in other apps, Telegram, Twitter, etc.

Download videos for re-upload

Another possibility is to download that video that you found on TikTok and then upload it again. From the same icon Share you should look at the second line. If the TikTok user has allowed it, you will see the button Save video . So you can download it and then upload it to TikTok or Instagram. Of course, do not forget to quote the original author .

Finally, you can share TikTok videos in GIF format . This option is also in the second line of the menu Share of the TikTok application itself. Depending on the length of the video, you can share it in its entirety or just the fragment of your choice.

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