
Instagram will notify you that it is time to “take a break” from the social network

Instagram will notify you that it is time to “take a break” from the social network

It seems that the changes due to the controversy about toxicity on Instagram are having an effect on the social network belonging to Facebook (now Meta), who is testing a small novelty to prevent users from spending excessive time on the application. Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, has announced the feature called 'Take a Break' or 'Take a break' as “an optional control” .

The function, in particular, will allow to set rest reminders every 10, 20 or 30 minutes. These will be integrated into the feed, so that the user can see them in a more intuitive way: while browsing between recent posts or Stories.

The Internet user may discard this notice and continue browsing the application. In case you activate the rest mode, the app will show some tips on what to do before returning to Instagram . Mosseri assures that this function has been designed with experts so that they appear advice of tasks that the user can carry out to “disconnect”. Among them, breathe deeply, listen to a song, write what you think or do some pending task.

This is not the first time that details have emerged about this feature. Instagram, in fact, revealed its development during the month of October, when the so-called “Facebook Papers” began to appear. Now the feature is being integrated into the app and Mosseri expects to roll out to all users in December.

The new of Instagram is a function not so different from the one that iOS and Android have

Without a doubt, the “Take a Break” function is an interesting idea to avoid spending excessive time in the app. But it is not that different from what the respective operating systems offer.

On iOS, for example, a daily usage time control can be set in all system applications . This, in a way, forces us to leave the platform. For example, you can select a usage time of one hour a day for Instagram or TikTok. After that period, the system will notify us by limiting the screen colors and showing an option that allows you to close the app, continue browsing for a few more minutes, or discard the usage time. Android also has a similar feature called “Digital Wellbeing”.

However, integrating this time-of-use mode into the Instagram app itself may be more intuitive for users. Although, at the moment, it does not seem to be as restrictive a function as the one that is included in the different operating systems.

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