
The founder of Tuenti has been kidnapped from his home to steal his Bitcoins

The founder of Tuenti has been kidnapped from his home to steal his Bitcoins

Update, November 3 at 19:50 (CET): In his statement to the police, the founder of Tuenti changed his version and omitted to speak of the theft of bitcoins during the assault on his home . The Higher Headquarters of the National Police in Madrid is already investigating the case.

Original publication:

Zaryn Dentzel , the founder of Tuenti , has denounced that he was kidnapped and tortured at his home to steal his fortune in Bitcoin . It would be one of the first recorded cases of this type. According to statements made to the police by the businessman, obtained by El Español, the entrepreneur suffered a cut to the chest and criminals beat him in order to obtain passwords for access to bank accounts and electronic wallets.

According to the report made by the agents with the victim's testimony, he was at his own home around three in the afternoon on Tuesday, November 2, when the doorbell rang. Upon opening, four or five hooded men entered, covering the security cameras with clothing. They immediately gagged and sprayed him in the eyes, abducted and tortured him for the next four hours. In addition, they made various cuts on his chest and gave him electric shocks with a gun.

During the coups, the founder of Tuenti confessed to accessing his Bitcoin account, in which he claims he had the equivalent of a fortune equivalent to several million euros. In addition, the kidnappers allegedly took their laptops, mobile phones, a tablet and a pendrive.

The police officers came to the house due to a call from a neighbor who heard screams from Dentzel . Other witnesses would have seen a group of people leaving the building, masked and carrying several bags.

This would be one of the first recorded cases of a hijacking to extract virtual currencies. As indicated in the report, due to the accent of the perpetrators heard by the victims, it could be a gang made up of criminals from Eastern Europe.

Tuenti, the social network of fashion at the beginning of the 21st century

Tuenti was a social network founded in 2006 by Zaryn Dentzel, Félix Ruiz, Joaquín Ayuso, Kenny Bentley and Adeyemi Ajao. It became fashionable between 2009 and 2012 in Spain. It had more active users than Facebook , Twitter or MySpace at that time.

Initially aimed at university students, the social network was opening up to the general public due to its success in Spanish territory. In 2011 it was estimated that 15% of total traffic in Spain passed through the platform.

In August 2010 Telefónica acquired 85% of the company for an approximate figure of 70 million euros. A few months later they launched a virtual mobile operator called Tu , which years later was renamed, simply, as Tuenti , once the social network disappeared and the brand now identifies with the phone service.

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