
Twitter Spaces can now be recorded and shared in a tweet

Twitter Spaces can now be recorded and shared in a tweet

Twitter made official one of the most requested options in recent times: that the Spaces can be recorded natively . The social network now allows hosts to record conversations and later share them in a tweet, thus expanding their reach and audience.

At the moment, the ability to record Twitter Spaces is available only for some hosts using iOS . However, the recordings can be listened to and shared by all users, regardless of whether they use the platform from an iPhone or an Android mobile.

It is worth noting that, although for now the function is available to a limited number of users, Twitter hopes to make it available to all hosts in the coming weeks.

We are talking about a very useful function, especially if we take into account that for a few days Twitter has allowed all users to create their own Spaces. In addition, the possibility of recording conversations allows those who miss the live chat to access it at any other time .

How Are the Twitter Spaces recorded?

Hosts who already have this new option available must manually activate it before launching the Space. When choosing the title and topics of the conversation, the button “Save Space” also appears; while the participants of the conversation will see an icon that will notify them that there is a recording in progress.

Once the recording of the Twitter Spaces is finished, the hosts will be able to include it in a tweet for anyone to access it . The records will be publicly available for 30 days, although the organizers of the Spaces may delete them before that period, if they so wish.

In any case, the recorded Spaces will remain stored on Twitter's servers for 120 days for moderation. As explained by the social network, the files are kept during said period to review them in case they violate their terms of service.

Before enabling the recording of Spaces, Twitter already kept a copy of them as a control measure ; And while there was an alternative way to download them, they couldn't be shared natively. However, the platform now seems to have changed its stance on how short-lived conversations can be in its rooms.

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