
Scams at Bizum: these are the most frequent scams and how to avoid them

Scams at Bizum: these are the most frequent scams and how to avoid them

Alert, scam by Bizum! It doesn't matter when you read this. Every few months, the Civil Guard or the National Police warn us about frauds and scams with Bizum as the protagonist. And it is that, when a mobile application or internet service becomes so popular, it is inevitable that cybercriminals want to take advantage of it to earn money at the expense of others.

Bizum has become an app as popular as WhatsApp or Instagram within Spain. Sending and receiving money with this platform is easy, fast and secure. However, they may want to trick you through WhatsApp or via SMS so that you fall into the trap and give money to those who do not owe . The same happens when you receive false messages from your bank.

In this article we review the most common Bizum frauds and scams and how to defend yourself against them , avoid them and not fall into the traps of cybercriminals. You just have to be a little cautious and take some time before accepting a money transfer.

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Examples and types of scams by Bizum

Anyone can fall. An individual, a company or a city council. There are handfuls of examples of Bizum scams in the Spanish press. Every few months there is some news about it . It is normal. Cybercriminals make a living by tricking others to get money in return. To do this, they pretend to be your bank, the Treasury or even the National Police. But you are not helpless. You can detect deception yourself.

A common example. You receive an unknown WhatsApp message. A supposed friend, relative or acquaintance says that has sent you money by mistake . Would you be so kind as to return the money? If you are a frequent user of Bizum, it may often happen to you that you receive money by accident. Returning it is quick and easy. Too easy and fast. So much so that if you don't check that message and verify that it tells the truth, you will lose that money.

Another scam method from Bizum. You have a product for sale on second-hand platforms such as Wallapop, Vinted, Milanuncios or similar. There are in abundance. The fake buyer sends you the money through Bizum. Or that's what he wants you to believe. Actually, it is sending you a payment request . Come on, if you accept, you will be paying him and not the other way around. The rush is not good. And we are talking about not inconsiderable amounts. From € 50 to more than € 500 depending on the type of deception. Hence, Bizum limits transfers to a maximum of € 1,000 per transaction or even less, depending on your bank.

More examples. In addition to WhatsApp messages, SMS or exchanges on second-hand platforms, the telephone line is still a channel to deceive anyone. As with other types of scams, the criminals pose as your bank, your phone company, or your gas or electricity supplier. The bait is a discount or offer . In order to enjoy it, they ask for your account number or bank card, associated with your Bizum account. You will then receive a code to confirm the offer. In reality, you are helping the criminal to create a Bizum account with your own account or card and thus steal your money.

But there are more telephone examples. Calls saying they want to cancel a payment for an accidental purchase in your name. But in order not to charge you for that purchase, they ask for your ID and your bank card. Be suspicious. Did you really make that purchase? If they are going to charge you with the card number, let them confirm that this number is correct. They should have it, right?

How to avoid Bizum scams and scams

The good news is that all Bizum frauds and scams use social engineering methods. That is, the platform is secure. They can't “hack” you Bizum, so to speak. Hence, the methods used focus on tricking the user into taking an action without realizing it. As they say in security, the weakest link in a chain is you, if we are talking about Bizum. That is why it is important to carefully read each message related to payments and collections.

Those responsible for Bizum are aware that their platform is being targeted by cybercriminals. That is why they provide us with a selection of tips and precautions that you should memorize so as not to fall into the traps and lose your money through carelessness. As a curiosity, they speak of crimes of vishing, mixture of voice (voice) and phishing, identity theft. This type of fraud has always existed, from paper mail, but today they are based on phone calls, SMS and WhatsApp messages.

Do not give your bank credentials to anyone . Precisely, Bizum is so popular because once configured you do not need to repeat your account number or your card. If they ask you for this information, be suspicious. What's more, Bizum is configured from your bank's own app, no phone calls or WhatsApp messages. Unless it is you who is making a purchase or hiring a service.

Shipping requests . Confirm that the request comes from who it claims to be. Once you have read the WhatsApp message, go to Bizum and make sure the request is correct. That is, do not accept a payment thinking that it is a payment .

Accidental payments . If you have agreed to make a payment with Bizum and you do not recognize what it refers to and who it has gone to, contact your bank to find out what you have to do. If it is confirmed that it is one of the many Bizum scams, you should also contact the National Police, the Civil Guard and / or the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

In summary, to avoid Bizum fraud and scams we should be cautious . First, do not accept payments or collections without making sure that the source is reliable and that you are collecting and / or paying and not the other way around. And second, do not give bank details unless the source is official. Be wary of emails, WhatsApp messages and phone calls.

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