
Google Maps now suggests you go the greenest route, even if it's slower

Google Maps now suggests you go the greenest route, even if it's slower

Google is adding new functions to Google Maps and its search engine that will allow, according to the company, “ make more ecological decisions “. The changes include new, more sustainable routes on Google's navigation platform, a more intuitive climate change-related search, and accurate information on CO2 emissions from air travel.

Probably one of the most noticeable changes is the calculation of less polluting routes in Google Maps. Until now, the platform showed by default the route that allows you to reach a destination earlier. With the new change, which is now available in the United States, the least polluting route will also be shown – if it does not coincide with the fastest one – as well as the time difference that your choice would imply and the estimated fuel savings.

This novelty is possible thanks to Google's artificial intelligence and a partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of the US Department of Energy. In 2022, this option will also reach Europe, as confirmed by the company.

Source: Google. In parallel, Google has announced that it will include a new “lite navigation” mode for cyclists . This will allow you to know some indications about the route, such as the route to follow, the variation in height, the distance of the journey or its duration without having to enter the turn-by-turn navigation mode.

Source: Google. On the other hand, and related to travel, users who perform a flight search through Google will be able to know the level of carbon dioxide emissions of each plane trip and if their seat selection is more or less polluting.

Google search will show more efficient product results first

Source: Unsplash. The Google search engine is also going to receive some changes that will allow greater awareness about the use of less polluting products. The company has announced that it will offer a new search experience in those results related to climate change . Specifically, Internet users will be able to see a specific page with relevant information on the climate and pollution from relevant and official sources, such as the United Nations.

Google will also show first results of less polluting products s. This measure will be applied, above all, in the category of vehicles. Starting next year, users in the United States will be able to see results for hybrid and electric cars, as well as nearby charging points. The results also apply to household appliances, showing more efficient products first.

Finally, customers in the United States with a Nest thermostat will be able to automatically modify the heating or cooling so that it operates at times when their grid energy is more renewable . This feature will be available through a service called “Nest Renew.”

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