
New from Twitter is a safe way to help you avoid toxicity

New from Twitter is a safe way to help you avoid toxicity

toxicity is an issue that increasingly worries social networks. These platforms have become a meeting point to talk and debate all kinds of topics, but it is clear that not all of them do it in a respectful way. If not taken care of in time, it can escalate to levels that are difficult to control. Faced with such a problem, Twitter has presented the safe mode , a proposal with which they intend to help you avoid toxic users.

At the moment, yes, Twitter's safe mode is still in the testing phase for a limited number of people on iOS, Android and the desktop web version. That is, it is subject to change based on the feedback received during the beta. Despite the above, we can describe the main features that it offers so far.

Twitter's safe mode will allow you to temporarily block accounts that, through replies or mentions, constantly use “potentially harmful language” . This includes name calling or hateful comments.

Now, Twitter is aware that this type of language is also common among people who know each other or who interact frequently on friendly terms. Let's be honest, we have ever insulted a friend on the social network, and fortunately the algorithm will be able to identify that relationship so as not to block their accounts:

“Safe Mode assesses the likelihood of a negative interaction by considering both the content of the Tweet and the relationship between the author of the Tweet and the respondent. Accounts you follow or interact with frequently will not be automatically blocked.”


Twitter wants to restore healthy conversations

As previously mentioned, this is just the first step in a proposal that may add more features in the near future; once it is available to the public. The safe mode of Twitter, as indicated, aims to achieve a healthy communication environment , which has unfortunately been lost over the years. “We want people on Twitter to enjoy healthy conversations, so we are limiting the overwhelming and unwanted interactions that can interrupt those conversations,” they mentioned.

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