
Amazon Astro robot is a disaster, according to project members

Amazon Astro robot is a disaster, according to project members

Amazon surprised at its annual hardware event with a smart robot capable of offering extra protection and security at home. The Amazon Astro , priced at $ 999, can track intruders and facilitate the day-to-day life of household members. But all that glitters is not gold. Internal reports published by Vice show that the device can pose a privacy hazard and be a disaster at home.

According to the aforementioned medium, internal sources related to the development of the Amazon Astro have highlighted that the robot did not always work correctly , that it is a fragile product and that several units have suffered damage to some parts. “The device feels fragile for the price it has. The neck has broken in several models, locking itself in the extended or retracted position, and there is no way to report it to Amazon when that happens”, mentions one of the members who has trained part of the project internally called “Vesta”.

The sources mentioned by Vice also comment that it is not a device intended as an accessibility tool. Its fragility and the “possibility of falling down the stairs” represents a risk for users .

Amazon Astro also has problems in its star function

On the other hand, the internal reports also show more specific details about the sentinel mode. This feature is activated when the Amazon Astro detects an unregistered person at home. The robot will begin to record and follow the stranger so that the owner can view the video from his mobile. Astro also is able to patrol the different rooms in search of noise, damage or unauthorized users.

The problem, according to the team members, is that Amazon Astro may not recognize a person who is authorized or has previously registered and follow them everywhere, since it would treat them as a An intruder. They also classify it as “a privacy nightmare”.

Amazon has been quick to respond to Vice's post via The Verge, who has also echoed the alleged problems in development. The company highlights that the documents leaked by the aforementioned medium are “out of date” and that do not correspond to how the device currently works.

Astro has undergone rigorous testing for both quality and safety, including tens of thousands of hours of testing with beta participants. This includes extensive testing on Astro's advanced safety system, which is designed to avoid objects, detect stairs, and stop the device where and when needed.

The firm also assures that the Amazon Astro has passed strict performance, security and privacy tests to avoid, among other things, problems with object recognition or stairs.

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