
Amazon Astro: a friendly smart robot with an Alexa soul to accompany you around the home

Amazon Astro: a friendly smart robot with an Alexa soul to accompany you around the home

Amazon's annual hardware event couldn't end without a surprise. The company finally introduced the rumored smart robot. His name is Astro , and his mission will be to accompany you at home while offering you multiple functions to facilitate your day to day. The product comes at a time when, precisely, millions of people transferred their work activities to the home, many of them permanently.

“We've spent a lot of time imagining how robots can help consumers in new ways at home,” says Charlie Tritschle, Amazon's vice president of Products. So the idea from the beginning was clear: Astro must be a autonomous robot capable of intelligent functions. To achieve this, the first step was to integrate Alexa , the company's virtual assistant. Everything you can do with your smart speaker, you can do with Astro. However, this is just the iceberg whore.

Astro relies on artificial intelligence, a computer vision system, cameras, sensors and speakers that will allow it to become a member of the family. The robot can move autonomously in the home , as it is capable of recognizing specific areas and avoiding obstacles. If you are away from home, you can take on the role of a security guard to “watch over” and stream live video – to your smartphone – of what is happening. It can also alert you to the presence of strangers in the home.

With the help of Alexa Guard, Astro will be able to alert you when glass is broken or when fire or carbon monoxide alarms are activated . When it comes to caring for people, it facilitates remote communication with older relatives thanks to Alexa Together. The latter is a new service “designed to help family members feel more comfortable and secure living independently. They can set up routines and receive alerts to give caregivers peace of mind that their loved ones are active and doing their homework. day”.

Of course, Astro integrates with Ring , the range of smart products for home security. If the consumer wishes, they can subscribe to Ring Protect Pro, a service that will allow the robot to patrol the house and make automatic recordings when it detects an unusual situation. And as mentioned above, Astro carries the soul of Alexa, so at any time you can invoke the assistant through the robot.

Amazon Astro has its own personality

Now, living with a robot on a daily basis is not a common activity, for now. To address the above, Amazon dedicated efforts so that Astro had its own personality . In addition to being useful, the company describes him as “fun.” He can even express himself through the screen (he has digital eyes) to communicate and, at certain times, show off his dance moves.

“Astro's personality not only helps him communicate his intentions and deliver enchanting experiences, but also evokes emotions such as empathy when people use the device,” notes Amazon.

Astro can be purchased for $ 1,449, currently only in the United States . However, if purchased as a Day 1 member, it will cost $ 999 (includes 6 months of Ring Protect Pro). Of course, Amazon warns that it will be available in very limited units ; Those interested should send a request to Amazon and wait to receive a purchase invitation. At the moment there is no information indicating its arrival in other countries.

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