
Discover Netflix movies and series that you like with these online search engines

Discover Netflix movies and series that you like with these online search engines

How long does it take to choose what to watch on Netflix? Every time it costs more. The scale of the catalog of Netflix series and movies is such that it is overwhelming. Netflix series increase every week to the point that you forget what you were watching.

And it's not that Netflix doesn't make an effort to recommend what to watch or remind you that you haven't finished a certain series yet. However, if you want to exploit the catalog of Netflix movies and series, you will need outside help. For example, a good alternative search engine .

The official Netflix search engine allows you to search for actors, actresses, directors, titles, themes, genres … And Netflix shows you the titles grouped by genres and subgenres . But if you want to do a search that really offers what you want to see, you will find it in the following search engines.

Flick Metrix

Netflix series or movies. Flick Metrix allows you to create a list of titles according to what you are looking for. Are you interested in the cinema of the 80s or the most recent series? Filter by years. Or filter by score . In that case you can use the critics, Netflix users, or IMDb. Results will vary from one to another.

If you use the search with “Advanced Options” you can exclude genres or search for specific genres, marking several at the same time. You will also have the opportunity to indicate the language of the content. And when you see the results, you can sort them by rating but also by title, date of appearance or by scores separately.

In principle Flick Metrix should detect your country of origin. But, just in case, pull down the menu in the upper right corner, choose Country and then mark your country. There are Spain, Brazil and many others.


His appearance is not his best asset. FlixWatch is an unofficial search engine that will give you access to Netflix lists and content that, from the application itself, you might not find.

You can search Netflix movies and series by title, by genre, by country, or by actor. So far nothing new. The peculiarity is that the results are shown in text form so that you can process them calmly and do not get carried away by the Netflix interface.

Unless you search in your country , the search will show results from all countries. That means that when you enter the tab of the Netflix movies or series shown there, you will also see in which countries they are available . In addition, you can go to the links of FlixWatch to find titles of the same actors or directors.

If you are looking, for example, for Netflix Spain content, by activating Filter you will be able to watch series and movies according to IMDb or Metascore score, year of production, indicated age, gender, etc.

Another interesting section is Netflix Statistics. There you will see how many films, series or documentaries there are in each country, in which languages ​​, of what genres and years, with what scores, etc.


Another search engine that works for both series and Netflix movies. Netfox shows results by period of time , depending on the year that series or film was released, it allows filtering by series or film, by title and by genre.

It is very useful to check the option “Available in my country” to show content from Netflix in your country . With Spain it works. Unless you're browsing with a VPN, it should be right. Otherwise, the results link directly to the Netflix tab.

The most practical option of Netfox is the “Search by genre” dropdown. There you will find the complete list of Netflix genres and subgenres. Even those that you don't usually see in the application itself. Examples: adult animation, Australian comedies, classic musicals … You can use the old-fashioned dropdown or by searching for specific words in its search field.


We end with a recommendation in Spanish. Bestflix goes beyond the official search engine to show Netflix series and movies according to certain parameters. Genre, year of release, IMDb rating…

You will also be able to see titles that will soon disappear . This way you will have the opportunity to watch those Netflix movies or series before they stop being there or appear on another platform. And in Recommendations you will see lists of Netflix movies and series to discover titles by genre or country of origin.

With Bestflix you can also create your own viewing list, a watchlist. But its most original feature is its Netflix Roulette . It is used to show random titles of movies or series. If you don't know what to see, nothing like a random sample .

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