
Is it worth paying almost 800 euros for the Roborock S7 and its emptying station?

Is it worth paying almost 800 euros for the Roborock S7 and its emptying station?

You don't know how well you can live with an automatic vacuum cleaner until you have it. Especially if it does not give mapping problems and, in the end, it does what it has to do: clean. After several successful models in the market, it is the turn of the Roborock S7. The latest model on the market of the Xiaomi subsidiary company that, unlike its older brothers, comes with new features : an automatic emptying station.

Is the Roborock S7 very different from its predecessors? Generally speaking no. Its function remains basically the same . As well as its benefits. However, in hindsight with a Roborock S6 in use for almost two years at my house, there are certain improvements that one might well get used to : a much more sophisticated scrubbing system and the tank emptying. As well as some design improvements that solve some of the functional problems of the robot vacuum cleaner.

New model of the Roborock S7, but with the same design

Let's make a brief mention of the design issue. Roborock has found its model for success and you don't need to change it. There is hardly any difference from its predecessor when it comes to external appearance. The previous one in my case was the black model and this new one has come in white. And I have to say that the second option, the Roborock S7, is much better. It may sound silly, but for those obsessed with surface dust, the black model is a magnet for layers of dust. The absorption will be the same, but it will be seen less. This new model also includes a position light. Surprisingly useful when the house is dark and you don't know where the device is in the room.

Otherwise, the Roborock S7 feels somewhat heavier. But perhaps the water tank with more capacity than the previous one has something to do with it. Also with a charging base –the original– somewhat smaller than its previous delivery, something that is still anecdotal. That is, in the aesthetic section nothing to comment.

As for its interior, yes a change must be celebrated by the Xiaomi subsidiary. The cleaning rollers inside the suction tunnel have changed for the better. If those of the S6 came with a kind of hairbrushes, those of the Roborock S7 have decided to do without them. Formed only by a silicone roller, the moment of cleaning it has earned points. If in the previous one there were embedded hairs and dust balls, in this model we will only have to put it under the tap and end the problem.

New model, same application Xiaomi is very clear about it: if something works, don't touch it. It is exactly the policy that the company has taken as far as the control application of the Roborock S7 is concerned. In my case, no modification was necessary. From the same user and application of the S6 I have been able to install and control the S7. In fact, it will make it easier for you to manage several units if one of them is in a summer house or in the house of someone who is not very knowledgeable with technology.

Likewise, the procedure is the same as for the rest of the models. Once the user data has been added, the first step of the Roborock S7 will be to map the house. A procedure that we can see step by step from the map created in the app. Do the first movements of your automatic vacuum cleaner seem erratic and meaningless? It is normal, once you know the surface of your house, the cleaning tour will be 100% efficient. We can also block zones and name rooms from the application itself. This will help send our automatic vacuum cleaner to clean certain areas of special dirt without the need to re-clean the entire house.

In a house of 70 square meters it will take no more than half an hour to clean. With up to 100 minutes of battery life, the Roborock S7 will be able to tackle almost any surface. If a section is left, it will return to its loading point and continue later.

New model, but the same enemies This may not be the fault of Xiaomi, Roborock or any brand dedicated to the robot vacuum sector. The hairs of almost half a meter long that fall to the ground are an enemy for anyone. In fact, there is much talk about the challenge of automatic vacuum cleaners with pets. Trust me, long hair is the hostile enemy that no machine wants. The Roborock S7, while improving, can't handle it either.

It is true that it improves in the part of the suction with the elimination of the hair brushes that we commented a few lines above. But the side rods, responsible for attracting dirt into the vacuum cleaner, continue to block if you are not careful. It does not occur with short hairs, but long hairs tend to remain coiled in the rod mechanism . Almost once a week – it depends on the cleaning routines – the Roborock S7 has to be turned over to remove any stuck hairballs.

Now that it also fluently cleans long-pile carpets, where a lot of hairs tend to get trapped, the problem increases.

On the other hand, indoor clothesline legs and door stops will still be a reason to pick up a trapped Roborock from time to time. Despite everything, the application, like its predecessors, will allow you to permanently block certain areas of the house where you know that the automatic vacuum cleaner will be trapped. In my case, the scale in the bathroom where it tends to get caught high in weight.

Let's get to the important point: does the Roborock S7 clean well?

The quick answer is that yes, the Roborock S7 does its job: remove dust and superficial dirt from the house . With the addition that this new model comes with special formats for lovers of long-haired rugs. Although if you are one of the latter, it must be said that although it does the trick, it will never have the same suction capacity as other more powerful handheld models on the market.

With this, the Roborock s7 has 4 cleaning options. The silent that would be the simplest of all. Personally I have not used it much, because since it starts to clean it at least remove everything possible. It is also not as silent as its name suggests. The normal and optimized option , the most useful for day-to-day and the most used. On the other hand, the turbo option and maximum mode . Unless you live on a ranch or have a horde of dogs that leave the ground with dirt, it is not necessary that you resort to this option.

Scrubbing system: improved, but not great

In my case, when I purchased the Roborock S6, the fact that it had a built-in scrubbing system seemed interesting to me. Big mistake. After almost two years of use, you may have used this option only two times . With too small a water tank, not too successful at removing stains, and trouble with the carpets, the scrubbing mop was left in a drawer.

With the Roborock S7 I wanted to give the option another shot. And the truth is that it improves, but without going crazy. The tank is much larger, and is integrated into the device itself, which helps to avoid having to keep an eye on the device continuously. On the other hand, it detects carpets, so when you do it in scrubbing mode it will simply avoid them.

Despite everything, the cons remain the same . The latest model incorporates a vibration system that helps the robot vacuum cleaner to rub over household stains. Up to 3,000 times per minute quotes the company's text. Noticeable? Really if. Mainly with the kitchen or bathroom floors, which are more sensitive to this type of stain. Is it the definitive solution? Not much less . Although the vibration system helps, the weight of the device is insufficient to make a dent on the most stubborn stains. The force exerted by a lifelong mop has no point of comparison; especially in floor changes (from kitchen to hallway) where the level is not uniform and therefore the Roborock S7 cannot easily reach.

In addition, this robot vacuum cleaner has the same problem as its predecessors. Scrubbing only with water and without cleaning product, especially when it comes to bathrooms and kitchens, is a patch and not a solution. Personally, I even find it unsanitary. The manufacturer, common sense and I myself recommend not to pour any product into the water tank . First, because it can get clogged and, in the case of bleach, it can damage short-pile rugs if we keep the mop hooked.

Nobody is going to save you from maintaining your scrubbing routine and it is likely that the scrubbing system of the Roborock S7 goes to the same place as that of the S6. After all, the most interesting thing about a device like this is the fact of vacuuming the carpets, accumulators of mites and dust par excellence.

The highlight: the Roborock S7 dump station

By default, the Roborock S7 has the same maintenance and cleaning system as its predecessors. With an internal collection tank, it will simply have to be emptied periodically manually every two weeks or so – depending on the level of dirt we are talking about. A simple system for which, however, you will have to get your hands dirty. Attention allergic to this step.

We have already commented on the rest of the maintenance: periodic cleaning of the brushes, rods or wheels to remove any accumulations of dust that may accumulate. Also the hairs or debris that can get caught.

However, the Roborock S7 comes with an additional accessory . Something that if you have it is useful, but that if you don't have it you will not miss it either. An automatic emptying base or Self-emptying Station.

Let's go with the pros. The station, which functions as the permanent base of the Roborock S7, will suck up the debris collected by the automatic vacuum cleaner each time it returns to the base. At this point, we will have two options. That these go to a disposable bag or a plastic tank that we can wash with water once used. In my case, and because it does not generate waste, I have opted for the second. And the reality is that after a month of testing I have only cleaned it once and simply to see how easy it was. It could have lasted another two months without problems.

Without a doubt, when it comes to comfort and cleanliness, it has no comparison. More if we put ourselves in a vacation moment in which, not being at home, we will not be able to activate the cleaning for fear of filling the deposit. With the Emptying Station we will not have this problem.

Now the cons. It is noisy when emptying, but it is not serious. The biggest problem is that it is big, more than it seems. So if you have a small space, it may not be your best option. And perhaps it is an expensive device for the service it offers. It is useful? Of course. But the almost 300 euros it costs are not justified. More if we have to do the disbursement of the station and the vacuum cleaner at the same time, since it is not compatible with old models of the Roborock.

So I buy the Roborock S7 and the dump station?

This is the million dollar question for two products that are not cheap, but that we have all considered putting at home.

Buy Roborock S7. Buy Emptying station for the Roborock S7. It is a great purchase of almost 600 euros, we are not going to lie, but it is worth it. Much better than its cheap sister the Roomba i3. If you do not have any Roborock – and compared to other models on the market – it is a purchase that I would not hesitate at any time since it meets all expectations. Now, if you already have a previous model, and it continues to work, I think it is not a purchase that you should face at this time.

The Roborock S7 has more functionalities, but none that suppose a compelling reason to discard our previous unit. On the other hand, if you are looking for a device that scrubs the floor with the same result as a human, we have bad the news. Better still with the mop of a lifetime that is cheaper.

As for the emptying station, it must be made clear that it is a whim of 300 euros. If you can afford it that's fine, but it's just not necessary to fully enjoy the Roborock S7.

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