
Bezos charges Musk again: after the mission to the Moon, Starlink arrives

Bezos charges Musk again: after the mission to the Moon, Starlink arrives

The war between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos for the conquest of space remains wide open. The latest chapter in this battle pits Amazon, through Kuiper Systems, against SpaceX's Starlink system.

According to Musk's space company, and as Ars Technica anticipates, Amazon would be trying to stop the growth of the Musk company's satellite system to favor its own: Kuiper's.

Where would be the reason for all this fight? Amazon, which, although it no longer has the presence of Bezos, does maintain its influence via Blue Origin, it still does not have its constellation of satellites ready. The answer would be to boycott the rapid expansion of Starlink through the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that Amazon has turned to to block the next update to SpaceX.

The cross accusations between Bezos and Musk

According to them, Elon Musk's new proposal is to put two different configurations for Starlink's 30,000 satellites, something that would go against public policy in the United States. Both valid and operational. A measure that Musk defends as rare, but that conforms to international standards.

From Amazon's point of view, these two configurations force to duplicate the work by the FCC and the rest of the members of the mission. As well as arguing that missions must be complete in order to avoid covert applications by companies.

For its part, SpaceX insists the FCC to reject Amazon's explanations. On the one hand, he criticizes the company founded by Bezos for the fact that its relations with the FCC have focused on blocking Starlink's activity, but not on solving and solving the doubts that fly over the Kuiper satellite system, which is still in the process of being creation. They add that it would not have explained how they will solve the space debris issue or how they will not interfere with other satellites already in orbit.

After NASA, comes the FCC

Of course, in a personal capacity, Elon Musk has also used his personal Twitter account to send a message to Bezos. For a few days, the founder of Tesla insists on the fact that after the resignation of Bezos from Amazon, his mission would have been to persecute SpaceX. Being Blue Origin's biggest commercial rival sets the tone.

And it is that it rains over wet in this story. Back in August, Bezos was filing a lawsuit to get part of NASA's lunar contract. The same one that controlled SpaceX and that Blue Origin lost in 2019. Bezos's company hoped to at least keep a piece of a $ 2.9 billion pie, the reality is that Musk was the only winner to create the Landing System of the Mission Artemis.

NASA argued that the only winner was explained by a lack of budget. Now Blue Origin wants NASA to rethink its accounts and join them in the project to conquer the Moon.

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