
Twitter is giving away NFTs: so you can get yours

Twitter is giving away NFTs: so you can get yours

The official Twitter account has surprised users of the social network with unusual behavior. He has stopped talking about new features and news to give away a limited number of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) .

First of all, his classic description “What's happening?” (What is happening?) By “Dropping NFTs all day” (Delivering NFTs all day). Then, he published that he would give away 140 NFTs to his users.

The 140 are reminiscent of – and are related to – the character limit that Twitter originally imposed, but which was later updated to 280 to achieve a better expression of the messages.

The group of 140 NFTs that Twitter is giving away is made up of 7 different designs, with 20 units of each available . These include fun animations that refer to the social network.

“Furry Twitter” displays a furry three-dimensional version of the Twitter logo. “Reply Guy” seeks to represent the user who always gives the same answer. “Vitamin T”, meanwhile, shows the social network as a “vitamin” to have a good time.

There are also other NFTs with different Twitter logos and one called “First Born” that features the first tweet from the CEO of the social network, Jack Dorsey. Curiously, this message was auctioned at the beginning of the year.

How to get a Twitter NFT?

The social network says that the NFTs published on its official profile are not for sale. As nobody can buy them, they have looked for an alternative way to distribute them for free.

Trying to get one of Twitter's 140 NFTs is a breeze. You simply have to reply to the original message . Some users have already been lucky to receive a link to their NFT via direct message.

The aforementioned Twitter NFTs are hosted on the specialized platform Rarible. That is, lucky users will have to access them to view their piece of digital art.

From the social network they say that it is the first time that it does this “on a large scale” and that they have had a good reason for doing it. It is simply because the platform has registered more than 29 million tweets about NFT and they wanted to celebrate it.

NFT owners may display digital artwork for personal and non-commercial purposes. Beyond that, the blue bird social network will retain the right and title.

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