
Get your LinkedIn contacts in order with these super simple tricks

Get your LinkedIn contacts in order with these super simple tricks

Social networks have become one more place to find work. And if we talk about social networks and employment, LinkedIn is one of the most popular. There you can make yourself known, publish your professional experience , meet other professional profiles and recruiters … Come on, you can expand your contact list, one of the essential elements of LinkedIn.

In fact, as we grow in our list of LinkedIn acquaintances and connections, we have a harder time taking advantage of it. Although LinkedIn offers options to classify your contacts , everything can be improved.

Let's see several tips, tricks and own and external tools to put order in your LinkedIn and, more specifically, in your contacts. So you will find them right away, you will know more about them and you will be able to connect with companies, users and recruiters comfortably.

Search for contacts using filters

Years ago you could tag your contacts to facilitate their management. That option disappeared and, today, the profiles of other users appear automatically under the corresponding label. So if you want to organize your contacts by groups, you can't.

On the other hand, you can search according to various parameters. By default, by name. You can also sort them by name and surname . If you do not remember someone's name or you are looking for profiles and users that have a specific characteristic , the contact finder makes it easy for you. Once in the search engine, click on Search using filters . With the filters you can search for contacts by location , by current company and if you are connected directly or indirectly.

Export your LinkedIn contacts

If you want to take advantage of your contacts on LinkedIn and the options of that social network know you little, you can export them and thus manage that information in other applications. For example, in Excel.

From the corresponding section, within My network , there is an option called Manage imported and synchronized contacts . Once there, you will find the possibility to Export contacts . Basically you will be able to export all the data that you have generated on LinkedIn.

But if you filter well what you are going to export, you will only get your contacts. In “Get a copy of your data” you can mark the first option and download everything. Or instead, check the second option and which element or elements to export. This time, Contacts . A file will be generated that you can download when you receive the corresponding link in your email address. The address associated with your LinkedIn user.

As the file you will get is in CSV format, it will be very useful to organize your acquaintances and connections in Excel, Numbers or in any spreadsheet editor . This way you can sort the data associated with each contact and it will be easier to search and filter results .

Organize your contacts with extensions

You may want to keep your contacts on LinkedIn but still want to add features to this social network. To do this, you can help yourself with the extensions and add-ons . There are them for all tastes, and you will find a few specialized in LinkedIn.

If you use Google Chrome or derivatives, such as Opera, Edge, Vivaldi, Brave or Yandex Browser, we suggest these extensions. They will help you better manage your LinkedIn contacts .

TidyTag retrieves the tags that LinkedIn removed . In addition, it gives them a color so that they are easier to see. LeadDelta goes further. In addition to offering labels and filters , it makes it easy to search for contacts, find email addresses, add notes, send group messages … Jobin automates tasks to make it easier for you the task of connecting with LinkedIn contacts, finding professional profiles … In addition, you will be able to import the profiles and their personal and professional data , organize messages in batches, etc.

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