
Instagram wants you to see more suggested posts before your friends

Instagram wants you to see more suggested posts before your friends

Instagram continues to experiment with how it presents posts to users. Now, the social network begins testing a new feature that brings more items from the “Explore” section to the feed or home screen of each account. Basically the platform wants you to see more suggested posts before your own friends .

In principle, this new feature will be tested by a minimum number of users. But if the results are favorable for Instagram, it is likely that we will see it applied definitively in the coming months. If the service decides to move forward with this implementation, it can drastically change – once again – the mode chosen to display content.

For the common user, the main Instagram feed stopped having a “logical” operation when it was chosen not to show the publications in chronological order. In the last time the social network has tried to clarify how its algorithms work and what parameters they follow to explain why users see what they see when they enter the app . However, some determinations are difficult to understand despite any explanation.

The Instagram plan: more suggested posts, even above your friends

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash When we enter the “Explore” section of Instagram, we see many posts from accounts that we don't generally follow but that post content that might interest us. Now, the social network wants to make these posts visible on the main screen , even showing them before those of our friends or accounts that we do follow.

According to The Verge, the Instagram test includes new controls for users to configure the experience. On the one hand, each user can stipulate topics or interests so that the suggested publications are related to them. It is also possible to hide a recommendation, and from there “suspend” them for 30 days so that they do not appear in the feed .

Having more tools to find new content is interesting, as long as they do not interfere with the user experience. If people feel like they lose interaction with their acquaintances on Instagram because the platform continually suggests other posts, they are likely to be unwelcome.

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