
You can now hide the 'likes' on Instagram, and soon also on Facebook

You can now hide the 'likes' on Instagram, and soon also on Facebook

After a trial period, it is now possible to hide the public count of likes on Instagram . The option had been in demand for a long time, especially to reduce the level of toxicity to which the youngest were exposed when the count of likes became a competition.

As announced, users will now have more control over viewing or displaying the amount of interactions on shared content on both platforms. In principle, this new feature is already available to all Instagram users , and will soon be accessible on Facebook as well.

“What we have heard from both our community and experts is that not seeing the number of likes was beneficial for some and annoying for others,” they explained from the social network. For this reason, Instagram users can now adapt the scope of this new feature .

How to hide 'likes' on Instagram?

From today it is very easy to hide likes, both in your own publications and in those made by other users. To hide the likes and the number of reproductions in photos and videos of third parties, they must enter the configuration of Instagram and go to the section Privacy . In the section Publications they will have to activate the option “Hide counts of likes and reproductions” .

In order not to show the interactions with our own publications, there are two possibilities. The first allows you to deactivate the public count of likes from the advanced settings , just before publishing a photo or video. With the second, the function is activated or deactivated after the publication .

In fact, Instagram allows us to choose if we no longer want to show likes in any content previously published on our profile. It doesn't matter how old it is , if we don't want to see the interactions we can deactivate them in a single step.

When will this option be available on Facebook?

From the social network they have mentioned that this capacity will be available on Facebook “in the coming weeks” . In this way, a function that was tested since September 2019 was made official, and that has been highly anticipated by users. Both for a privacy issue, as well as to avoid comparisons with what other people publish.

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