
Your WhatsApp will be key so that they do not 'hack' your Instagram

Your WhatsApp will be key so that they do not 'hack' your Instagram

When it comes to increasing the security of an online account, no matter what service it is, two-step verification is the tool to use. Instagram is one of the many social networks that offers this possibility, and I would be working on a new method to apply it. Apparently, the platform would start sending the authentication codes through WhatsApp .

This new option has not yet been officially announced, although it would have been detected by Alessandro Paluzzi . The Italian leaker released a couple of screenshots that would show how to activate two-step verification through WhatsApp, from the Instagram settings.

As both platforms belong to Facebook, it is not unreasonable to understand the reason for this possible integration between the social network and the messaging service. The singular fact is that this alternative would not completely dispense with the traditional text messages for its implementation.

The verification codes in two steps from Instagram could come via WhatsApp

Photo by Luke van Zyl on Unsplash Currently, Instagram offers two options to activate 2-Step Verification. The recommended way is through an authentication app, but it can also be done with text messages. However, the use of SMS to receive 2FA (Two-factor authentication) codes is less and less encouraged by security specialists due to its vulnerability.

Here would be another of the reasons for Instagram to opt for one more alternative to increase the security of its accounts. But, as we said previously, the adoption of WhatsApp to receive authentication codes would not be completely free of “texts” .

According to Paluzzi's screenshots, when using this option for the first time users should confirm their WhatsApp account with a code . And where would they receive it? By SMS. From then on, they would always receive the two-step verification codes through the messaging application.

Something appreciable in the images is that the use of WhatsApp as a means of authenticating Instagram would not imply a link between both accounts . If this is confirmed in the coming weeks, it would be one more utility to take into account to increase the security of our accounts on the social network.

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