
Twitch lowers the price of its subscriptions, which will now be adjusted to the economy of each country

Twitch lowers the price of its subscriptions, which will now be adjusted to the economy of each country

Twitch took an important step in strengthening the paid subscriber base. The platform announced that it will lower the prices of subscriptions worldwide and adapt them to the currency and economic reality of each country. The measure will be effective from this Thursday, May 20.

Mexico and Turkey will be the countries that will debut subscriptions with local prices . But the promise is to expand the initiative to other markets over the months. For logical reasons, there will be no change in the base price of the subscription in the United States.

As explained by Twitch, the price of a Tier 1 subscription is equivalent to $ 4.99 worldwide. The problem is that, many times, the exchange of the US currency to local currencies is unfavorable . This is especially seen in countries where devaluations occur on a recurring basis.

If the streaming platform no longer ties the value of subscriptions to a rate in dollars , more people can choose to make an economic contribution that is adjusted to their possibilities.

This is how Twitch explains it on its official blog:

This is not just an anecdote, it is clearly reflected in the figures. The percentage of active users in Europe or Asia, who support creators with a subscription, is approximately 50% lower than in North America. In Latin America, it is almost 80% lower .

Now is the time to offer subscription prices that match the viewer's country of residence. Prices that allow more viewers than ever to show their support and enjoy the benefits of a subscription.


Twitch will adapt the price of their subscriptions to the reality of each country

Credit: Twitch As said, Mexico and Turkey will be the first to experience the reduction in the price of Twitch subscriptions. From now on, Tier 1 subscriptions will cost 48 Mexican pesos ($ 2.42) and 9.90 Turkish lira ($ 1.19) . The platform has promised to expand the measure to more countries in Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East in the near future. It will be from the third quarter of 2021.

The streaming service acknowledged that the drop in the values ​​of local subscriptions can negatively impact the immediate income of streamers. For this reason, announced a twelve-month plan that “guarantees a certain level of income for eligible creators”.

“We are confident that lower subscription prices will drive creators 'growth and revenue in the long term, but we know that we must also minimize potential drops in creators' revenue during this initial adjustment period, “they assured from Twitch. The scope of the help program for creators is detailed in the Help section of the platform.

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