
You can now use Twitter Spaces, as long as you have enough followers

You can now use Twitter Spaces, as long as you have enough followers

Since the Clubhouse boom, all popular social media and services want to have their own audio rooms. Although Twitter already allowed a limited number of users to access Spaces, its alternative is now available to everyone. Well, for almost everyone .

Twitter Spaces is now totally official, but the social network has included some requirements to be able to use it . The first, and perhaps the most complicated for the great bulk of the users of the service, is the number of subscribers.

The company has announced that, for the moment, Twitter Spaces is limited for those accounts with 600 followers or more . This is a limit imposed so that in this launch phase, the accounts that exceed this scale are the only ones that can create rooms.

Minimum 600 followers to be able to create rooms on Twitter Spaces

According to TechCrunch, this is not an arbitrary limit. The figure of 600 followers, the minimum to gain access to Twitter Spaces has to do with the data extracted from your previous test.

As Twitter points out, accounts with 600 or more followers tend to have a “good experience” hosting live conversations because they have a larger audience to connect with.

Additionally, Twitter Spaces will soon support multiple hosts for audio rooms, and creators will even be able to charge for access to their live events via Twitter Spaces . It will also allow users to schedule and set reminders about events they don't want to miss.

For now, we will have to wait to see if the limits imposed by Twitter to use Spaces are a guarantee of good use or operation, or an artificial barrier that will limit the tools available among its user base .

And it is that although this function is not directed to the general public, the limits based on the number of followers can make many accounts try to artificially inflate their followers just to have access to Twitter Spaces. This is where, precisely, the terms of good experience begin to blur, when the quantity begins to outweigh the quality and only the counter matters.

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