
Surprisingly, Spotify also has a Clubhouse clone – say hello to 'Greenroom'

Surprisingly, Spotify also has a Clubhouse clone – say hello to 'Greenroom'

It gives the impression that no one wants to be left out of the live audio phenomenon . These ephemeral conversation spaces, popularized in recent months, seem to be the new craze for mobile applications. With more or less success, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and other lesser known ones like Fireside and Jam, test functions in the best Clubhouse style. As if this were not enough, now is the turn of Spotify Greenroom .

Hoping to set foot in the world of live audio conversations, Spotify last month bought Locker Room . A month after that operation, the CEO of the streaming music platform, Daniel Ek, has confirmed that Spotify Greenroom will arrive.

Spotify had been working on “social audio” for a long time. However, now he begins to show the results of his plans. Greenroom, as indicated, will host shows and programs, as well as talks with artists . The company seeks to make it a virtual place for all types of creators to talk directly with their audiences.

The differential proposal of Spotify Greenroom to stand out

At the moment, Spotify has not provided details on when Greenroom will arrive and if it will be available in all countries where the streaming service currently operates. However, its CEO has revealed what the strategy will be to differentiate itself from a market that may seem saturated with similar proposals.

PCMag collects part of Daniel Ek's comments on the latest episode of Spotify's For the Record podcast. “ The 8 million creators we have are some of the best storytellers in the world “, he said. “They are some of the best comedians in the world. They are some of the best musicians in the world. Some of the best athletes in the world. Some of the best educators in the world,” added the executive.

The last few weeks have come loaded with news from Spotify. The application recently launched a new car player called “Car Thing”, announced the arrival of the voice command “Hey Spotify” and, like Apple, immersed itself in the world of paid podcasts and redesigned its content library.

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