
The 10 strangest images on Google Earth

The 10 strangest images on Google Earth

From a military aircraft graveyard to a blood-red lake to make an impression, but also mysterious structures carved into the desert and even a ghost island hidden in some narrow corner of the South Pacific. These are just some of the most curious images on Google Earth , the free platform that uses the sophisticated and advanced mapping and imaging technologies of the American giant to explore the wonders of our home, the Earth in comfort. : just arm yourself with a device, a little free time and above all a lot of curiosity.

Google Earth is a real “ geographic browser “, as Big G likes to say. It uses more than a billion satellite and aerial images, the topography, ocean bathymetry and other geographic data to form a complete and interactive map of the Earth to be explored by clicking and tapping, depending on the device. Simple users will be able to connect to Earth to scrutinize areas of the globe otherwise unreachable and difficult to visit live, but also to hunt for shots that have the unusual and the particular, pushed on the web through the succession of convoluted conspiracy theories. So let's see some of the stranger images on Google Earth . We have collected ten and they are all special.

In Iraq there is what has been emblematically defined as the “ bloody lake ” due to the disturbing bright red color characterizing the mass of water. On Google Earth has the resemblance of a long, narrow stick sandwiching between two smaller rectangles. There is still no official explanation on the phenomenon and some theories are already running on the web: according to some, bright red represents the blood of animals poured out for the slaughterhouse, while according to others, red is “only” the effect of chemical pollution.

Staying on the subject of red (albeit faded), what is striking is the gigantic hill formation located in Gharb, Darfur, Sudan, which from the images of Google Earth looks like real full lips. Also in this case different theories have been spent on the Internet, but the most probable one considers it as the result of the contrast of the various colors of the sand. The final effect is in each case particular.

Virtually traveling on Google Earth it is possible to come across a wooded area in Romania, apparently unsuspected were it not for the presence of a strange gray object in the shape of a flying saucer shadowed in the green lung near Timisoara. Have the UFOs landed in Romania? We want to reassure you, because the image that seems to resemble the spaceship of aliens actually has a more earthly than extraterrestrial matrix: the object is in fact a human construction (and in particular a water tower ) built to pump water from the Timisoara river, which is no longer in use today. In short, a narrow escape.

What is certain is that the trend of the landing of extraterrestrials has found an outlet on Google Earth along several shades. But the result is the same as above, with the appearance suffocated by the harsh reality. Like that oil field in Rio Negro, in Argentina , which from the images collected through the platform – and from the conspiracy theories artfully constructed on the web – looked more like a structure alien ready to attack the Earth.

Among the strangest images on Google Earth we also report a series of veins engraved on the surface of the Gobi desert , in China. Network users have let their imagination fly, to the point of believing that behind the extravagant design there is even a secret military base , created with the aim of testing weapons and radar equipment and calibrate spy satellites. More likely, the veins would refer to an array of Yagi antennas , which we can describe as a device used to detect the weather and perform atmospheric searches.

What resembles from afar a spiral that rests in the solitude of the desert of Egypt, near the Red Sea, is actually an art installation called “ Desert Breath “. It was created in 2007 by the three artists Danae Stratou, Alexandra Stratou and Stella Constantinides to celebrate, in 30 thousand square meters, the deepest meaning of the desert, painted by the authors as “a state of mind and a landscape of the mind”.

Egypt almost seems to have been the inspiring muse for the weirdest images on Google Earth . In addition to the one seen above, we also point out the presence of a sort of unexcavated pyramid , whose origins are crowding the web pages between those who claim that the structure has an artificial type matrix and those who instead he considers it a natural feature of the terrain, represented in this way only on Earth. The debate is still ongoing.

A pentagram measuring 366 meters in diameter stands in all its glory in a remote corner of Kazakhstan . Etched on the earth's surface, it has been associated by many with the devil cult , imagining religious sects or inhabitants of the underworld. Fiction or reality? Obviously none of this: the five-pointed star, which can be viewed vividly on Google Maps , is nothing more than the outline of a park made in the shape of a star . Particular, isn't it?

In the center of the Pacific Ocean rises a kind of “black hole”. The image, discovered for the first time on Reddit , gave rise to the strangest theories: according to some, it would be the island of Vostok; according to others, it would instead identify a military base reproduced by Google Earth with a blurred effect.

In Kazakhstan, “ geoglyphs “, ie drawings on the ground, have been discovered through Google Earth . Nothing strange if it weren't for the swastika shape. These geoglyphs are around two thousand years old and were discovered by chance in 2007 by Dmitriy Dey in 2007.

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