
7 tricks to extend the battery of your Xiaomi with little effort

7 tricks to extend the battery of your Xiaomi with little effort

One of the most important challenges for phone manufacturers like Xiaomi is to offer better devices, faster and with better features, using batteries based on almost obsolete technology . This implies an effort to place larger batteries, reduce the rest of the components and optimize Android and / or MIUI to give more with less energy consumption. The same goes for their POCO and Redmi ranges.

Although each new Xiaomi phone tries to squeeze the most out of the battery automatically, we ourselves can make certain decisions or acquire habits in order to help the battery last longer than necessary. Or, at least, not to run out of phone before reaching a charging point, at home or at work.

We propose several tips and tricks that will help you to better understand how the battery of a current phone works and to better manage the power consumption of Xiaomi devices, POCO or Redmi.

Heat sensitive

Batteries don't like heat . With the cold they get along better. Be that as it may, extreme temperatures consume more energy than usual, especially if the temperature is high. You will have noticed it on occasion. While the phone is hot, the battery consumes faster .

In principle, the maximum temperature to reach by the battery of your Xiaomi is 40ºC. From there, battery and smartphone life can suffer. Ideally, stop using the phone when we notice that.

What causes to get hotter than normal ? Software updates, video playback, video recording, playing video games, etc. It is not about stopping these activities. For that you bought that phone and not another. However, now you know the reasons why your smartphone can get hot.

Don't drain the battery

The batteries of yesteryear had to be used 100 to 0 percent. Some of us continue with that mania, but the manufacturers of telephones and other devices recommend us not to drain the battery . It is advisable to carry out a full charge the first time you use a Xiaomi or other brand phone. But from now on, you can carry out short charges instead of waiting to drain the battery to recharge it.

A good time to charge your phone is, of course, when it asks you to. That is usually around 20% battery . For the rest, it is advisable not to reach 100% of the load. Staying at 80% is more than enough.

Background functions

It is something obvious but it does not hurt to remember it. The more services, apps and functions you have active in the background, the more your Xiaomi, POCO or Redmi will work. And, consequently, your phone's battery will last less.

Do you need to have Bluetooth constantly activated? Is the screen brightness enough or too much? Are all the applications that you have running second hand essential? In this last aspect, you can limit which applications run in the background and which will only run when you open them.

From Settings> Battery> Battery saving in applications you will be able to review your installed apps and games, one by one, and within its tab mark the option Restrict background applications . The app will continue to work but will stop performing certain functions that consume battery, such as sending you notifications.

Disable mobile data when locking screen

There is a little trick for Xiaomi and other devices with MIUI that allows you to save mobile data and, therefore, consume less battery when we have the screen locked. That is, when we are not using the phone.

Unless you are expecting important WhatsApp messages or emails, you can disable mobile data with the screen locked after a certain time. For example, after 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 30 minutes. You will find this option in Settings> Battery> Battery settings> Lock screen settings .

Optimize battery with MIUI

MIUI, the software of your Xiaomi based on Android, has its own characteristics. One of them is to improve battery performance . In Settings> Battery you will find several options for this. The most useful are Battery saving , which deactivates non-essential services so that the battery can last a little longer.

And Optimize , a detailed analysis that will offer you solutions to reduce the battery consumption of your POCO or Redmi. For example, it will tell you which apps use the most battery and other tricks to achieve the same purpose.

Save battery when don't use it

We said that MIUI has a multitude of functions to extend the battery life of your Xiaomi phone. Some are manual and some are automatic. Among the latter, the mode Battery Saving stands out, which we can program for times of the day when we do not use the device. For example, while we sleep.

In Settings> Battery> Battery saving> Schedule time to change mode we will indicate the time bands for the phone to act normal or restrict certain options for the good of the battery.

MIUI's dark mode

A simple way to extend the battery is to activate the dark mode of Xiaomi, POCO or Redmi by default. Dark colors consume less power on the screen. And if you don't want to use it all day, you can schedule it for specific times of the day. Or at night.

You will find Xiaomi's dark mode in Android notifications, in the form of a button, or from Settings> Display> Dark mode . You can activate it without further ado or program when it activates and when it deactivates.

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