
Twitter will allow to establish an NFT as a profile image, and that has not liked Elon Musk at all

Twitter will allow to establish an NFT as a profile image, and that has not liked Elon Musk at all

“You've asked for it (a lot), so we've done it.” This is how twitter has confirmed one of the first news related to non-fungible tokens that arrive on its platform; the possibility of including an NFT as a profile image. Function that Meta also plans to implement on Facebook and Instagram, and that allows those users to boast of owning a unique digital asset.

Including an NFT as a profile photo, in fact, is something that many users on Twitter already did. However, and considering that the app has not yet included global support for digital assets, what they are actually showing is an image identical to the non-fungible token . With the new Twitter option, however, the Internet user will have the possibility to choose between a conventional image or a real NFT. In this second case, the owner of that NFT must synchronize his digital wallet with the social network and select one of the digital assets you own. Twitter will instantly check if it is a non-fungible token and set it as your profile picture.

The social network will also differentiate those accounts that have an NFT as a profile image by slightly modifying the circular shape for a hexagonal one , as already shown by the official Twitter Blue account. By clicking on the profile image, it will be possible to access information about that token, which will show details such as the creator, the block chain, the number of NFTs that are available and, of course, information about the asset.

Elon Musk comments on the new option to set an NFT as a profile picture

At the moment, the ability to set an NFT as your profile picture is only available to Twitter Blue subscribers. The payment service that includes different advantages compared to the traditional version of the social network, is also only operational in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. However, and despite the fact that it is a function that could take a while to reach all users, the most fanatical of NFTs have already publicly shown their enthusiasm. Meanwhile, other users with important relevance in the social network have not been very amused.

This is the case of Elon Musk, who has classified the function as “annoying”, suggesting that the platform is feeding spam related to cryptocurrencies. “Is Twitter spending engineering resources on this while crypto scammers throw a spambot block party on every thread?” he shared in a tweet.

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