
Your tweets can only be read by close friends

Your tweets can only be read by close friends

New feature coming to Twitter . Through the “Flock” function – still under study – users will be able to share their tweets with a specific group of people, more or less as is already possible on Instagram (the so-called “Close friends” function).

To illustrate the new functionality on Twitter was the mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi , who followed the development of “Input” step by step. Each user can add to his “Flock” – that is the list of close friends – a maximum of 150 members. Therefore, only the users included in the list will be able to view or reply to tweets.

Also, if you are in someone's “Flock” and they send a tweet, a label should appear under them that says “you can see this tweet because the author has added you to their Flock”. It would appear, among other things, that before sharing a tweet, each user will have the possibility to choose whether to make it public or reserved for selected friends.

Finally, you can decide at any time to remove a friend from your Flock.

Via: TheVerge
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