
An NFT of the X-ray of a victim of the Bataclan massacre is put up for sale without his consent

An NFT of the X-ray of a victim of the Bataclan massacre is put up for sale without his consent

The world of NFTs takes increasingly strange dyes. The latest episode of this new trend that wants to conquer art on the net has a touch so surreal and pitiful that it sounds like dystopian science fiction. As told in The Guardian, the surgeon of one of the victims of the terrorist attack in the Bataclan room wants to sell the X-rays of her injuries as NFT. And to do it, logically, without her consent.

The direct consequence, how could it be otherwise, is that this French woman who survived the 2015 terrorist attack on the Bataclan concert hall in Paris has been “extremely shocked” when it was reported that her X-ray is being sold as NFT.

Although at first it was not entirely clear who could have put his X-ray on the internet without his consent, it was revealed that an orthopedic surgeon at the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris is the one who published the NFT. In the x-ray you can see a Kalashnikov bullet lodged near the bone.

The NFT from the x-ray of a victim of the Bataclan massacre has been removed

Archive image of the French police. The doctor faces not only a disciplinary file, but also criminal charges for having published medical information about a patient without their consent. In addition to a victim of a terrorist attack who was not only shot, she also lost her boyfriend in the Bataclan massacre. And on top of all this, publishing content that makes the victim easily identifiable , according to his lawyer:

“This doctor, not content with breaching the duty of medical secrecy towards this patient, thought it would be a good idea to describe the private life of this young woman, making her perfectly identifiable”

Victim's lawyerThe image, which has naturally been withdrawn, was put up for sale for $2,776 (2,446 euros) on the OpenSea website, with the following description, now no longer available:

“On November 13, 2015, terrorist bomb explosions and shootings occurred in Paris, France, with 129 people killed, and more than 300 injured. Forty-one patients were referred to our center, the Georges-Marie European Teaching Hospital. Pompidou, and 22 who required surgery were hospitalized. From November 14 at 0:41 to November 15 at 1:10, 23 surgeries were performed on 22 victims. Among these patients, I personally operated on 5 women, including this case. This young patient, who lost her boyfriend in this attack, had an open fracture of the left forearm with a Kalashnikov bullet remnant in the soft tissues.”

Description of the NFT

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