
AuronPlay, El Rubius and TheGrefg lead a collective complaint against the hacker who left Andorra without internet

A few days ago Andorra was at the center of the scene after a cyberattack occurred that affected the internet service and directly affected the activity of streamers based there. The most affected by this situation were El Rubius, AuronPlay and TheGrefg, since the incident against Andorra Telecom occurred during the Twitch broadcast of the SquidCraft Games.

Beyond the fact that the event itself generated endless memes and comments —and put the debate on content creators who have moved to the principality to pay less taxes—those affected have made it clear that they will not sit idly by.

In the days after the hack that affected the Andorra connectivity, some of the streamers chose to talk about what steps they would take. One of the most vocal has been AuronPlay, who even assured that they already had data on where the attack came from; and he did not hesitate to comment that they would file a collective complaint with the authorities.

What we will do is go to the police and file a complaint collective. Even the same telephone company is also going to report. By grace or unfortunately, you are messing with people who have the financial resources to see this through to the end. I respectfully tell you that one day you will repent, and it is not a threat, it is a threat to the law. When a judge sentences you, then you will cry.

AuronPlay, about the complaint against the hacker who attacked Andorra Telecom

Andorra streamers claim to have identified the hacker

Beyond what was mentioned about the collective complaint that Andorran streamers plan to carry out, the first necessary step would be to identify the author of the denial of service attack. Those involved claim to have already obtained various data that would allow them to identify who (or who) was behind the incident that affected Andorra Telecom.

It is worth noting that the streamers —AuronPlay and El Rubius, specifically— have offered succulent sums of money to obtain data from the hacker from Andorra. “We know where the attack comes from, we know who encouraged it. I even have the Fortnite clan to which the person belongs. We have a lot of data,” said Auron himself in a direct on Twitch.

At the moment no further information has been released in relation to the collective complaint, or how the judicial situation would progress in the event of actually finding the hacker. The truth is that the Andorran streamers have been firm in taking this story to the last consequences . And it has also become clear, as no new problems were detected in Andorra Telecom, that the attack was intended to achieve a very specific impact during a massive online event.

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