
The change of residence is online: here are the first participating municipalities

The change of residence is online: here are the first participating municipalities

The transition to digital is becoming more and more consistent for our country and with the month of February the experimentation of a new and important service starts: that of change of residence online .

The Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition has just communicated the details on the new residence change service or stay online. The service will allow, through the support of the portal of the National Registry of Resident Population (ANPR), to:

  • change of residence for the transfer from any municipality, or from abroad for Italian citizens registered with AIRE, to one of the municipalities involved;
  • change of residence within one of the participating municipalities.

There is talk of participating municipalities because initially only a few Italian municipalities will join the new online service. Starting from April 2022 , the same service will be gradually extended to all Italian municipalities. Here are those for which the change of residence online is available immediately:

  • Alessandria
  • Altamura
  • Bagnacavallo
  • Bari
  • Bergamo
  • Bologna
  • Brescia
  • Carbonia
  • Castel San Pietro Terme
  • Cesena
  • Cuneo
  • Florence
  • Forlì
  • Laives
  • Latina
  • Lecco
  • Lierna
  • Livorno
  • Oristano
  • Pesaro
  • Power
  • Prato
  • Rosignano Marittimo
  • San Lazzaro di Savena
  • San Severino Marche
  • Teramo
  • Trani
  • Treia
  • Trento
  • Valsamoggia
  • Venice

The requests made online by citizens must then be managed by the individual municipalities through the web platform made available by the Ministry. The service is part of the larger project which brought all the Italian municipalities into the National Registry, for which the data of 67 million Italians are now in a single, secure and digital database.

The online residence or residence change service is already available for the municipalities listed, you can access it via Spid via the link you find below.

  • National Resident Population Registry | Online services
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