
This is the new YouTube player that you will soon use on iOS and Android

This is the new YouTube player that you will soon use on iOS and Android

Accessing some of the most used controls YouTube when a user is viewing a video in full screen will now be more intuitive. At least, in the version of the app for iOS and Android. As revealed by The Verge, Google's video platform is implementing a new design in its player that modifies the location of the 'like', 'dislike' buttons and other shortcuts.

Until now, YouTube showed a section with related videos when the user played the content in full screen and paused the clip or interacted with the screen. If a person wanted to comment, share, save or rate that video by “Like” or “Dislike”, they had to leave the full view. Something that, in addition, forces to turn the terminal. With the new design, all these controls will be displayed at the bottom of the player. As was the case with the related videos tab, they appear when the video is paused or when clicking on an area of ​​the video. the screen.

The “more videos” section remains, but is now located in the lower right corner. By clicking on that button, the YouTube controls will disappear and a preview of the clips that are related to the content that the Internet user is watching will be shown. On the other hand, YouTube keeps the shortcuts at the top. These, in particular, allow you to modify the quality of the video. Also the possibility of activating the subtitles or sharing the content through another device.

The new YouTube player, available for iOS and Android

These improvements, as a Google spokesperson has commented to the aforementioned medium, are reaching all YouTub users in stages. Also, they are available on both iOS and Android. In principle, an update of the app is not required, and it can appear at any time.

Meanwhile, YouTube is preparing other features that could come soon to the video app. One of them is the possibility of downloading videos automatically to watch them offline. Function, yes, exclusive for YouTube Premium members and that makes use of an algorithm to detect those videos that could be of interest to the user. The platform, in addition, maintains the tests of the Picture-in-Picture mode in iOS. Again, exclusive option for members with a subscription.

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