
Virtual reality according to Mozilla: the point about Firefox Reality

Virtual reality according to Mozilla: the point about Firefox Reality

Among the many companies committed to carrying out projects related to mixed reality , we also find Mozilla , which four years ago launched Firefox Reality , a browser designed specifically for augmented and virtual reality content.

Over the years, the company has engaged in the development of software libraries such as WebVR and WebAR , designed to help developers build applications in VR and AR, and also created the Hubs platform on which to publish your projects. But now Mozilla “steps aside” and the browser will pass into the hands of Igalia , an open source consulting company “specialized in development of innovative projects and solutions “.

“The Firefox Reality project was created with similar goals, to give users a choice and ensure that open and unrestricted access to the web remains strong on these devices. These ideas underpin what we do. in Igalia, so we're thrilled to be able to take the torch forward by leveraging that work to create a new browser, Wolvic. Together, we'll help ensure the web ecosystem remains healthy “ said Brian Kardell, Developer Advocate at Igalia.

Firefox Reality will therefore be removed from the stores in the coming weeks and the Igalia browser, Wolvic (which is based on the Firefox Reality source code) will be available next week.

Via: Mozilla
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