
LinkedIn launches a platform for virtual events

LinkedIn launches a platform for virtual events

LinkedIn begins the test phase of a new function which includes the creation of audio events . The inspiration comes from the Clubhouse platform, where users can meet in audio rooms to discuss various topics . The social network dedicated to job search and networking is testing the beta version of the Audio Rooms. Over 800 million users have created their own profile professional on LinkedIn. The platform has decided to integrate new functions to stimulate professionals to interact more and in new ways with the site. The interactive audio events will be tested during this month, while for a video version it will be necessary to wait until spring.

The pandemic has led to the start of a revolution in the labor sector. smartworking has been and continues to be a method that has allowed many businesses to survive, and in some cases to progress, over the past two years. LinkedIn has chosen to integrate these functions to keep up with the times and to make life easier for users by offering them new tools to work. Audio Rooms will become part of the set of tools available in LinkedIn Events . This new function will allow subscribers to the platform to participate in product launches, conferences, insights and workshops . Live streams will take place in virtual rooms and anyone can enter and watch freely.

“Our philosophy is to put the organizers in control. We want to make it easier to host virtual panel discussions , chats and more. Some may want the event to be more or less formal. Some may wanting to communicate with their audience, open up to the word. We're giving professionals interactivity and support, “said Jake Poses, LinkedIn product manager. The idea of ​​this function was made known already at the beginning of last year. Over the months LinkedIn has been working on the various options that can be added. In a first phase the participation in these events will be free . In the future it will be possible to think of a paid option, with virtual tickets that will allow access to the room where the meeting will take place. This virtual space will be accessible to users both via computer and mobile device.

Once launched, the new platform will use tools for running end-to-end content . No third party software will be used. Event organizers will be able to manage and record everything through LinkedIn itself . The discussions will be moderated by the hosts and participants will be able to communicate with each other both during the event and at the end. On the platform it will be possible to announce the event and “advertise” it with specific posts to spread it in the network of contacts .

Jake Poses also explained that for the beginning LinkedIn will count on a selected community of creators , who will be the first to be able to organize this type of audio events. These are expert and authoritative voices from certain professional fields, which the platform has chosen to represent and launch this new service. The goal of the future will also be to involve well-known companies to create larger events that can attract a large number of users. At the root of this new project, LinkedIn had invested in well-known companies in the field of digital events, in order to increase its authority and the potential to get the service started in the right way.

Investing in a digital project has worked for the company, both due to the pandemic and in the future where professionals can potentially work remotely and meet colleagues and participate in ad hoc meetings and events from the comfort of your computer. The product manager pointed out that the creation of virtual events on an annual basis has grown by 150% in the space of a year, with a progressive and proportional increase in participation by of users . Pandemic aside, the creation of virtual events represents an extra resource and provides accessibility even to those who, for various reasons, cannot travel to take part in live events.

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