
Virgin Galactic starts selling tickets to go to space at a modest price of $450,000

Virgin Galactic starts selling tickets to go to space at a modest price of $450,000

The window to space is open again after the investigations suffered by Virgin Galactic due to a defect in commercial ships. Starting tomorrow, the sale of tickets to travel aboard the Virgin Galactic ship opens. The same one that took businessman Richard Branson to the edge of space and that, saving the height of the flight, was able to surpass the launch of Jeff Bezos with Blue Origin in a couple of weeks.

The reality is that traveling aboard the Virgin Galactic is not suitable for all pockets. In other words, you will have to be very rich to be able to afford any of the tickets on the next flight. One that, over time, has been rising in cache. Virgin started with prices of $250,000 per ticket, soon rose to $380,000. Ticket sales, which open tomorrow, have closed at $450,000. It seems that the costs of living and exploitation that affect ordinary mortals also take their toll on travel corporations for the rich. And in case you were wondering, the flight will cost $5,000 per minute.

Even so, the company has good feelings and believes that it will cover the entire offer of 1,000 tickets that have been set as a goal. In fact, already in November 2021, Virgin Galactic echoed that it had already pledged 700 tickets to travel to the dawn of space. Among them, Elon Musk himself who – in his eternal rivalry with Jeff Bezos – opted for the other space travel company of the moment.

What does the $450,000 ticket include? The truth is that if you have the $450,000 you need to cover the cost, it doesn't matter either. But basically the lucky ones will be able to be in space for a few minutes aboard Unity 23. Enough time to appreciate the curvature of the Earth and feel the weightlessness of space. Also to appreciate the blue of the planet from one of the 17 windows that the ship has. In total, passengers will enjoy a 90-minute adventure in which they will be able to enjoy the changes in color of the atmosphere since the launch of the capsule. Going from celestial blue, bordering on indigo to finish in space blue.

Of course, for $450,000, Virgin Galactic has to offer something else. In this case, the company will give basic training to the participants for two days. An official Under Armor sponsored suit and entry into the Future Astronaut club. The trip to New Mexico, the place from which the Virgin Galactic ship will depart, will also be paid for.

Do you think it's expensive? Well, it's the cheapest

There is a great debate about the price of space travel. In a few years, they will continue to be high prices. The few companies that have made it out of the niche business space are still in the research, funding, and growth phase. However, space tourism, which is now only an opportunity for the wealthiest, will expand its range over the years. Decades probably.

All in all, Virgin Galactic is the company with the most competitive price of all those that are now on the market. Blue Origin, the company run by Jeff Bezos, has yet to announce its rates. But everything indicates that it will be around the rates of the queen of the market: SpaceX. The company founded by Elon Musk holds the record: 55 million dollars for a 10-day orbital spaceflight. Although it is true that Elon offers a complete adventure of more than a week, its high price narrows the circle to just a few lucky ones.

If you want to feel like Tom Cruise in his next space movie, you can also travel to the International Space Station. Here you will have to have more funds available, yes. The price is 5.2 million dollars per person, to which must be added 4.8 million for the mission and a daily policy that ranges between 88,000 and 164,000 dollars per person in food concept. Also, 1,500 for daily supplies.

Does Virgin Galactic really travel to space?

It was one of the biggest criticisms that Virgin Galactic received when it made its first commercial launch in July 2021: it had not reached space as such. In fact, it stayed on the edge of what is considered space. Days later, Blue Origin did reach that point. And weeks later, SpaceX exceeded the Karman line by 100 kilometers. That point at which it is considered that the domains of the Earth have already been transcended.

In the case of Virgin Galactic, and at least what Unity 22 could reach, it was possible to reach a height of 86 kilometers. Enough to feel the weightlessness of outer space, but not enough to keep up with its competitors.

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