Open Fiber triumphs in the tender to bring ultra-broadband to the so-called gray areas, i.e. areas in which a single operator providing this type of service invests or will invest: 8 lots obtained by Open fiber, against the 6 instead obtained by TIM.
The tender in question had a value of about 3.7 billion euros and was made possible thanks to the funds of the Pnrr : at the moment there is still no official, but the outcome is still known, given that it is the result of a public session. According to CorCom , “was the score of the technical offer to prevail in the context of the assignment and not the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer . Both TIM and Open Fiber would have applied for almost all the lots in the tender “.
The regions “in the hands” of Open Fiber are therefore nine ( Puglia, Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily, Emilia-Romagna, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Lombardy ), for a value of over 2 billion , while TIM was awarded ten regions ( Sardinia, Abruzzo, Molise, Marche and Umbria, Piedmont, Liguria and Val d'Aosta, Calabria and Basilicata ), for a value of one and a half billion. A separate discussion for the provinces of Trento and Bolzano : these are grouped together in lot 15, which is still in competition.