
Time Tracking Pro, the essential Mac app for organizing your time and doing more

Time Tracking Pro, the essential Mac app for organizing your time and doing more

Today's work rhythms can be, for certain categories of users, really dense and dense, and organizing work is not always simple and intuitive.

To make the most of it, an app like Time Tracking Pro could be useful, which allows you to keep track of the time taken to complete each activity listed, helping the user to keep pace, but also to take the right breaks.

There are many options proposed by Time Tracking Pro for Mac, a useful tool in any modern and dynamic work environment. That's what it is.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più Time Tracking Pro offers an absolutely intuitive and practical main screen, which already gives an idea of ​​how to use the application. In the upper right corner it is possible, first of all, to set the work and pause times, choosing for each, a range from 1 to 180 minutes.

On the left side, however, it will be possible to add the various tasks to be completed, for each of which the work and pause timers selected in the Settings menu will be applied. At this point, for each of the tasks in the list it will be possible to start the work and pause timers, so as to better manage and optimize the work.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più Time Tracking Pro for Mac thus helps to keep track of the working times of each of your work activities separately, all listed in the left menu. From this, you can easily switch from one activity to another, always keeping work and break times under control.

Obviously, the app tracks all times automatically, and when you reach the pre-set goal it will be the app itself that indicates that it is time to start a break.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più

Time Tracking Pro tracks all sessions by recording them on a special log located on your Mac and, therefore, accessible only to the user. Here you will find all the partial and total times of your sessions, which will be visible at a glance graphically.

Obviously, there are filters for viewing only the data of your interest; in this way, the user will always know how much time he has spent on a project or a specific part of a project.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più Obviously, the main feature of the app is the accuracy of recording the working time, incorporating them in a really simple to use graphical interface, with intuitive animations and representations: for example, to modify the time work of the various sessions, simply select the session represented as a slice of time and drag the handle that will appear.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più

Furthermore, beyond the alternation between work sessions and breaks to be managed in the main menu, with Time Tracking Pro for Mac it is also possible to set the rest time if you wish: after a certain number of work sessions interspersed with sessions. pause, the app itself will advise you to stop any activity.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più

Since the app has to keep track of the various jobs in real time, it is interesting to note that Time Tracking Pro for Mac also works in the menu bar at the top. In fact, the app continues to keep track of the time whatever the foreground app used, such as the Office suite, and shows the timer for the current work session in the menu bar.

By clicking, then, on the cup icon always present in the top bar, it will be possible to access the other functions, while by double clicking on the menu window the main window of the app will open in the foreground. Finally, there are also customizable acoustic notifications, which will warn the user when the time of a session has expired.

Recensione Time Tracking Pro per Mac, prendetevi cura del vostro tempo per organizzarlo al meglio e rendere di più

Among the features of the app also those of sharing. In fact, it will be possible to export the times recorded for each activity as a CSV file, containing all the sessions to be opened in a spreadsheet such as Numbers or Excel, so as to be able to create graphs and reports.

Not only that, it is also possible to obtain a file containing the sessions displayed in the list so as to archive it for backup or later reference to be imported back into the Time Tracking Pro app, even on another Mac.

Time Tracking Pro can be downloaded directly at this address. It costs 29.95 euros, but offers a free 7-day trial, so you can test it in its entirety before purchasing.

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