
what happens when you unfollow someone on facebook

what happens when you unfollow someone on facebook

what happens when you unfollow someone on facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms today, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users worldwide. It allows individuals to connect with friends and family and share pictures, videos, and posts. However, there may be times when you want to stop seeing someone’s posts on your feed without necessarily unfriending them. This is where unfollowing comes in. In this blog post, we will discuss what unfollowing on Facebook means and the reasons why people choose to unfollow others.

What is unfollowing on Facebook?

Unfollowing someone on Facebook means that you will stop seeing their posts on your news feed. You will still remain friends with the individual, and they will not be notified that you have unfollowed them. Unfollowing someone is different from unfriending them since unfriending someone means that you will no longer be friends on Facebook, and this action is more noticeable to the other person.

It is also essential to note that when you unfollow someone, you can still visit their profile to see their posts and updates.

Reasons why people unfollow others on Facebook

There are several reasons why people choose to unfollow others on Facebook.

Boring Content: One of the most common reasons is because the individual’s posts are not interesting, engaging, or informative. If someone’s posts do not add value to your social media experience, you may choose to unfollow them.

Offensive or Inappropriate Posts: Sometimes, a person may post something that offends or makes others uncomfortable. In this case, unfollowing the individual may be a wise decision.

Too Many Posts: There may be instances when someone posts too frequently, overwhelming your newsfeed with irrelevant content. If this is the case, you may choose to unfollow them.

Politics and Religion: Sensitive topics like politics and religion are often hot-button issues that may cause disagreements and frustration. If you do not want to engage with these topics or have arguments online, you may unfollow individuals who frequently post about them.

Break-ups: If an individual goes through a break-up or has some personal issues, they may post excessively, making it challenging to avoid viewing these posts. In this case, unfollowing may provide an opportunity for some distance without unfriending them entirely.

Therefore, unfollowing someone on Facebook can be a straightforward way to stop seeing their posts on your newsfeed without necessarily unfriending them. Whether it’s because of boring content, too many posts, or sensitive topics that you’d rather not engage with, unfollowing is a way to maintain a more enjoyable and productive social media experience.

What happens when you unfollow someone on Facebook?

The person’s posts won’t appear on your news feed

When you unfollow someone on Facebook, their posts and stories will no longer appear on your news feed. This means that you won’t see any of their updates or content unless you visit their profile page directly. This feature can come in handy if you don’t want to permanently unfriend someone, but you also don’t want their posts cluttering up your feed.

You’ll still be friends with them

The good news is that when you unfollow someone on Facebook, you’ll still be friends with them. This means that they will still be able to see your updates and content, and you’ll still be able to see theirs if you choose to visit their profile page. Unfollowing someone is a great solution if you want to remain friends with somebody but don’t want to see their posts on a regular basis.

It’s worth noting that unfollowing someone is different from blocking or unfriending them. Unfollowing is a more subtle way to manage your content choices on Facebook without permanently cutting ties with people you care about. Additionally, unfollowing someone doesn’t affect your ability to send direct messages to them or to receive notifications about their comments on mutual friends’ posts.

To unfollow someone on Facebook, simply go to their profile page and click the “Following” button at the top. From there, select “Unfollow” to stop seeing their posts on your news feed. They won’t receive a notification that you’ve unfollowed them, so you don’t need to worry about hurting their feelings or causing any drama.

Therefore, unfollowing someone on Facebook is a great way to take control of your news feed and manage your content choices without damaging your relationships with friends and family. By unfollowing someone, you can still remain friends with them while also avoiding their posts and stories on your feed. Give it a try and see if it works for you!

Unfollowing a person, Page, or group from Feed

If you have a friend or family member on Facebook who posts a lot of content that doesn’t interest you, or if you joined a group or liked a Page but no longer want to be a part of it, you can unfollow them. Unfollowing is a way to manage your news feed without permanently cutting ties with someone. Here are the steps to unfollow on both desktop and mobile:

Steps to unfollow on desktop:

1. Go to the person’s profile page, Page, or group.

2. Click the “Following” button near the top of the screen.

3. Select “Unfollow” from the dropdown menu.

Now, their posts won’t appear on your news feed, but you’ll still be friends with them (if it’s a person) or still have access to their content (if it’s a Page or group). They won’t be notified that you’ve unfollowed them, so there’s no need to worry about causing any drama.

Steps to unfollow on mobile:

Unfollowing on mobile is similar to unfollowing on desktop, but the steps may differ slightly depending on your device:

1. Tap the person’s post in your news feed to bring up their profile page.

2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the post.

3. Select “Unfollow [Name]” from the dropdown menu.

Alternatively, you can unfollow directly from the profile page, Page, or group:

1. Go to the person’s profile page, Page, or group.

2. Tap the “Following” button at the top of the screen.

3. Select “Unfollow” from the dropdown menu.

Again, the person, Page, or group won’t be notified that you’ve unfollowed them. If you change your mind later on and want to start seeing their posts again, simply follow the same steps and select “Follow” instead of “Unfollow.”

Therefore, unfollowing on Facebook is a way to manage your news feed and avoid content that doesn’t interest you without unfriending or blocking someone. Whether it’s a friend, family member, Page, or group, unfollowing is easy to do on both desktop and mobile, and can help you tailor your Facebook experience to your preferences.

What notifications do friends and non-friends receive when you unfollow them?

Friends and non-friends don’t receive notifications

When someone unfollows a friend on Facebook, no notification is sent to that friend. The same applies to non-friends who are followed on the platform. Even if the person followed unfollows the user later on, they still won’t get notified. Similarly, if the user follows them again, no notification will be sent.

One thing to note is that the unfollow feature is separate from the unfriend and block features. Unlike unfollowing, unfriending and blocking do send notifications to the other person. Unfollowing simply means that the person’s posts and stories won’t appear on the user’s news feed. The person will remain on the user’s friend list, and they won’t know that they’ve been unfollowed.

Birthday notifications still appear

Despite unfollowing someone on Facebook, the user will still receive birthday notifications about that person. Other than that, every other functionality such as messaging, commenting, and liking are not affected. If a friend unfollows the user, the setting will remain effective until any of them clicks or taps the follow button again on their device.

Overall, unfollowing someone on Facebook is a subtle way to manage one’s news feed without causing any drama. This feature is useful for those who don’t want to unfriend someone permanently but also don’t want to see their posts on a regular basis. Users can easily unfollow someone by going to their profile page and clicking on the “Following” button at the top, and then selecting “Unfollow”. Following these steps would stop seeing the person’s posts while still remaining friends with them on Facebook.

What happens when you follow them again?

When a user decides to follow someone that they had previously unfollowed on Facebook, the person’s posts and stories will once again appear on their news feed. This means that they will be able to see all the updates from the person they followed. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when following someone again.

The person’s posts will again appear on your news feed

If a user had previously unfollowed someone on Facebook, they would no longer see the person’s posts or stories on their news feed. However, if they decide to follow them again, all their posts and stories will once again appear on their news feed. This includes all the updates, photos, videos, and other content that the person shares on the platform.

They won’t receive any notification

When a user follows someone they had previously unfollowed, the person won’t receive any notification. This means that the person won’t know if someone has followed them again. It’s important to note that this feature is only applicable to the unfollow feature and not the unfriend and block features.

Therefore, following someone again on Facebook is a straightforward process that can be done by visiting the person’s profile page and clicking on the follow button. Making this choice will allow the person’s posts and stories to appear on the user’s news feed again. However, the person won’t receive any notification about the follow action. Following this simple guide can help users reconnect with someone they had previously unfollowed without any drama or fuss.

Can people tell when you unfollow them on Facebook?

No, they can’t tell if you’ve unfollowed them

When someone unfollows another person on Facebook, they will remain friends on the platform but won’t see that person’s posts on their news feed. However, the other person won’t know that they have been unfollowed. Facebook won’t send a notification about the unfollowing action neither to friends nor non-friends.

Unfollowing someone on Facebook is a smart way of avoiding topics or posts that might trigger negative feelings by providing control over the content displayed on one’s news feed. It’s an excellent way of avoiding drama with friends but still staying connected with them on the platform. The process of unfollowing on Facebook is easy and straightforward.

There are different ways to unfollow a person on Facebook, depending on the device used. When using a computer, one can easily go to the offending user’s profile page, click on the “Following” button on their profile, and select “Unfollow.” This action updates the system to ensure that the user’s posts and stories don’t appear on the individual’s news feed.

Similarly, unfollowing someone on Facebook through the mobile app is easy. One can go to the person’s profile, click on the “Following” button on their profile, and select “Unfollow.” Once this is done, the user has successfully unfollowed the person and won’t see their posts and stories on their news feed again.

It’s crucial to note that this feature is different from blocking and unfriending people. Unfriending and blocking send notifications to the other person, indicating that they’ve been removed from the friend’s list or blocked from the account. However, users can always reconnect with the profiles they’ve chosen to unfollow using the platform’s “Reconnect” feature. This option starts putting their posts and stories back on the user’s news feed as usual.

By unfollowing someone on Facebook, users can still access other features such as reacting to a person’s post, messaging them, sending a friend request, and even check on their profile. If the unfollowing person wants to follow the person again, it is easy to do so by recreating the follow relationship, and they won’t receive a notification that they had been unfollowed in the first place.

Therefore, unfollowing people on Facebook is an easy way to manage one’s news feed without causing any drama. It’s an effective way of avoiding unwanted content without having to unfriend or block somebody on the platform. It’s a great way to stay connected with friends on Facebook while feeling comfortable with the social media site.

Does unfollowing affect your friendship with the person?

No, it doesn’t affect your friendship

Unfollowing someone on Facebook doesn’t affect the friendship status between the two people. They remain connected as friends, and the unfollow action is only one-way from the user’s end. When someone unfollows a person, Facebook doesn’t send them any notification or alert.

The person who unfollowed someone can still access the friend’s profile, see their posts and stories, and interact with them as before. They can leave comments, like posts, and exchange messages in the same way as before. The only difference is that they won’t see the unfollowed person’s posts and updates on their news feed anymore, making it easy for them to manage their friends’ posts and avoid topics that they don’t want to see.

Unfollowing is an excellent way of maintaining a healthy friendship because individuals have different views and interests and, on a given day, might post on topics that might not interest all friends. Unfollowing gives them the power to keep the connection with the friend but avoid unwanted or potentially toxic content.

The process of unfollowing someone is simple and straightforward. Users can use the Facebook website or mobile app to unfollow their friends. Visiting the person’s profile page, clicking on the “Following” button, and selecting “Unfollow” is enough to stop seeing their posts. The action is reversible by following the same process and selecting “Follow” instead.

It’s important to note that unfollowing is different from unfriending and blocking. Unfriending someone on Facebook removes the friendship connection between the two people and makes them non-friends. The person unfriended will receive a notification that they have been unfriended. Similarly, blocking someone on Facebook disables them from seeing anything the blocker posts and stops them from interacting with them completely.

Therefore, unfollowing someone on Facebook is an excellent way of managing one’s news feed without losing the friendship connection. It’s not a hostile action, and the other person won’t receive any notification that they’ve been unfollowed. Unfollowing allows individuals to regulate their social media experience by avoiding content that triggers negative emotions and keeping the connection with their friends intact.

Benefits of unfollowing someone on Facebook

Reducing negativity in your news feed

Unfollowing someone on Facebook helps reduce the negativity displayed on the news feed by hiding the person’s posts without deleting them as friends. It provides users with control over the content displayed on their news feed, allowing them to avoid posts that might trigger negative feelings while staying connected to friends on the platform. This feature is handy when people don’t want to see posts that don’t interest them or posts that are outright disturbing.

Keeping your privacy

Unfollowing someone helps keep one’s privacy from prying eyes by limiting the personal information shared on the platform. Privacy is crucial in social media, and users should have control over the content displayed on their news feeds at all times. Facebook provides an easy way for users to maintain their privacy while staying connected with friends and family on the platform.

Unfollowing someone on Facebook is a simple and effective way of achieving both benefits while still maintaining connections with friends. The feature ensures that users stay informed while avoiding negative posts that might ruin the experience on Facebook. It’s also a great way to control the flow of information shared on one’s news feed without hurting anyone’s feelings. The feature allows users to enjoy Facebook while staying comfortable with what they see.

To unfollow someone on Facebook, users can easily go to the person’s profile page, click on the “Following” button on their profile, and select “Unfollow.” This action updates the system, ensuring that the user’s posts and stories don’t appear on one’s news feed. The process is simple and straightforward and can be done on both a computer and a mobile device.

Users should note that unfollowing someone on Facebook is different from blocking or unfriending them. Blocking and unfriending people send notifications to the other person, indicating that they have been removed from the friend’s list or blocked from the account. On the other hand, unfollowing someone is done secretly without informing the person.

Therefore, unfollowing someone on Facebook provides several benefits, including reducing negativity and maintaining privacy on one’s news feed. The feature is easy to use, and users don’t have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings or being blocked on the platform. It’s a great way to stay connected with friends and family without being bothered by negative posts.


Recap of what happens when you unfollow someone on Facebook

Unfollowing someone on Facebook is a straightforward process that allows users to take control of the content they see on their news feeds. When a user unfollows someone, they will still remain friends on the platform, but the person’s posts and stories will no longer appear on the user’s news feed. This feature helps limit negativity and unwanted content on the news feed and ensures users maintain their privacy on the platform.

To unfollow someone on Facebook, users need to go to the person’s profile page, click the “Following” button on their profile, and select “Unfollow.” Users can easily revert the action by following the same process and clicking “Follow” instead of “Unfollow.”

Final thoughts and advice

Unfollowing someone on Facebook provides several benefits, such as limiting the negativity on one’s news feed and maintaining privacy on the platform. However, it’s essential to note that unfollowing someone is different from blocking or unfriending them. Unfollowing someone isn’t a sign of hostility or a way of ending the friendship; it’s merely a tool for managing one’s social media experience.

When considering unfollowing someone on Facebook, users should carefully weigh the decision, as it’s a personal choice that should reflect their values and beliefs. They should consider factors such as the nature of the relationship with the person, how often they interact with them, and the type of content they post on the platform.

Therefore, unfollowing someone on Facebook is a useful feature that users can utilize to control their social media experience. It’s an easy way of managing the content displayed on one’s news feed while maintaining connections with friends and family. Users should make their decision based on their personal values and beliefs and use the feature responsibly.

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